Gwen and I just got back from a couple of weeks at the beach. We had been excitedly anticipating this trip since we planned it nearly a year ago.
Read MoreWhen you’ve lost a loved one, every “first” without them can feel excruciating. The first birthday…or Mother’s Day…or Father’s Day. Then there are the holidays.
Read MoreWhether you’re a pastor or a parent, a spouse or a friend, the occasion will arise when you encounter someone going through a difficult time.
Read MoreI came across a phrase a while ago that has stubbornly stuck with me: Words create worlds.”
Read MoreI recently came across an article titled “The Top 10 Problems Facing Pastors Today.” I was not surprised by #1, which was “job-related stress,” or #2, which was “feelings of loneliness and isolation.” I was dismayed, however, at #3.
Read MoreTucked away in the book of Proverbs is a verse that is unfamiliar to most of us, but oh so important to grasp. It’s Proverbs 17:9 – “Love prospers when a fault is forgiven but dwelling on it separates close friends.”
Read MoreIf you’re a mariner lost at sea, triangulation is a very good thing. It’s a navigational technique that allows you to figure out where you are by measuring the triangle formed by two known points and your unknown point. But in the arena of relationships, triangulation is another thing altogether
Read MoreBack in 2021, as we were emerging from the long, dark season of COVID, I attended a gathering of leaders from my denomination, the first of its kind since the CDC had issued its new facemask guidelines.
Read MoreI’ve been struck by a consistent theme in the lives of several pastors I’ve spoken to recently. That theme is disappointment.
Read MoreOne of the great challenges for pastors is deciding how much of their personal lives to reveal – whether in private conversations or in sermon illustrations. It’s known as “appropriate self-disclosure” and it’s a big deal.
Read Moreinter Gwen and I were privileged to share some extended time with a group of pastors and wives. While we were one of my fellow pastors gave a devotional that I found to be insightful, and I've been thinking about it ever since.
Read MoreSomeone who shaped my life in my early years of ministry was the late Dr. Howard Hendricks, professor at Dallas Theological Seminary. I read his books. I listened to his sermons.
Read MoreMost pastors I know are inveterate bibliophiles. They know that great books can provide information, inspiration, and illustrations.
Read MoreEver since Thanksgiving, I’ve been pondering an intriguing Scripture verse. Psalm 126:3 reads, “The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy.”
Read MoreSome time back I came across a quote (sorry, but I don’t know where it originated) that really marked me. It read…If you never celebrate your wins, it will seem like you’re always losing.
Read MoreOne of the most painful aspects of the post-pandemic church has been its numerical contraction. Attendance is down across the board. And with that, giving is down across the board.
Read MoreIn his fine book, Canoeing the Mountains, Tod Bolsinger describes the outstanding leadership of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark as they led their Corps of Discovery in search of a northwest passage to the Pacific Ocean
Read MoreNothing will slow down a growing church faster than a toxic staff member. What makes a person toxic? One definition is that it’s an individual who is unsupportive, negative, or even abusive.
Read MoreThe best organizations have a clear sense of culture. The Apple way… the Chik-fil-a way…the Disney way. Having that stated culture sets the bar for expected behavior.
Read MoreAs we emerge from the pandemic and all of its implications, many churches are looking to make strategic hires.
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