In his outstanding book, The Knowledge of the Holy, A. W. Tozer offers solid theology as it relates to the attributes of God.
Read MoreOne of the surprise films of 2023 was the theatrical adaptation of The Hiding Place, the autobiography of Corrie ten Boom.
Read MoreI’ve been reading the latest book by a pastor named Mark Batterson. It’s titled A Million Little Miracles.
Read MoreLately, I’ve found myself going through a season of the “blahs.” No, I’m not depressed. And, no, I’m not discouraged. Yet it seems like, recently, each day is so…well, so “daily.”
Read MoreAs I write this, I’m observing a flock of robins in our yard. They aren’t just passing through. The birds have hung around for days. This surprised me…
Read MoreOne of the things we have enjoyed in the past months here in our rural setting has been the large herd of deer that roam through the surrounding woods.
Read MoreMerry Christmas, friends! As my gift to you, I’d like to share one of my favorite seasonal stories. It was originally told by the great American radio broadcaster Paul Harvey.
Read MoreEver since she was a tiny girl, our granddaughter Madison has loved to dance. She was especially enthralled by the classic ballet, “The Nutcracker.”
Read MoreThanksgiving season is here, and across the country, pastors will preach sermons pointing out the need for Christ-followers to be thankful people.
Read MorePerhaps you’ve heard the saying, “When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.”
Read MoreHebrews 11 is commonly called “the faith chapter.” It’s filled with accounts of those who stand out as shining stars in God’s universe.
Read MoreWe are officially full-on into the fall season. Evidence of that is all around us here in the Midwest part of the country.
Read MoreOne of my favorite Old Testament characters is Joseph. As the story goes, Jacob’s favorite son gets shanghaied by his brothers and ends up a slave in Egypt.
Read MoreOur house is surrounded by deep woods which are home to many creatures. We regularly see deer, raccoons, chipmunks, and even an occasional groundhog.
Read MoreOne of Jesus's greatest offers is that He is the source of the spiritual refreshment that men and women long for.
Read MoreJesus defines eternal life with great precision, yet in a way that has been largely lost in our day.
Read MoreI’ve heard it. You’ve heard it. We’ve all heard it: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Sounds catchy – but of course, it’s a lie.
Read MoreI sold my bass boat last week. The trigger was an increasing sense of unsteadiness on my feet when standing on that bobbing front deck.
Read MoreWhen it comes to vacations, it seems that most people fall into 2 categories. They’re either mountain people or they’re beach people. And while Gwen and I love the grandeur and majesty of the mountains, we are definitely beach people.
Read MoreYou may have no sensation of motion right now, but that is an illusion of miraculous proportion. The reality is you are on a planet that is spinning around on its axis at a speed of approximately 1,000 miles per hour. Feeling a bit dizzy?
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