One of the things we have enjoyed in the past months here in our rural setting has been the large herd of deer that roam through the surrounding woods.
Read MoreWe’re coming out of one of the most contentious elections of our lifetimes. As I write this a couple of weeks before the polls close, I have no idea what the outcome will be. However, based upon what I’ve seen and heard so far, it’s not likely to be pretty.
Read MoreMy wife is a “puzzler.” During the months of sheltering in, she must have put together at least a half-dozen jigsaw puzzles. Some were relatively easy, but others were real toughies. Fortunately, she was able to look at the box and see the big picture.
Read MoreIn 1936, during the Great Depression, famed photographer Dorothea Lange was given permission to snap a series of photos of 32-year-old Florence Owens Thompson and her children. Little did she know that one of those pictures would become iconic for that devastating era of history.
Read MoreThis week is very significant to the nation of Israel. 72 years ago - May 15, 1948, to be exact - Israel once again became a nation. And it happened against all odds.
Read MoreWhen I first came across the story, I found it hard to believe. It reported how a pride of African lions had rescued a young girl. Yes, you read it correctly. A group of lions rescued a young girl.
Read MoreAs part of my downtime during these days of “social distancing,” I’ve been bingeing on the old TV series, “24.” Do you remember it? Starring Kiefer Sutherland as anti-terrorism agent, Jack Bauer, each episode is one hour of a 24-hour day.
Read MoreWell, here we are in the opening hours of a brand-new year. Our walls display bright, new calendars. Our desks sport sharp, new date books. For at least one friend, it means that he gets to carry around a brand-new Franklin Planner. For better or worse, 2020 has arrived!
Read MoreWe hear a lot of complaints about how dark it is here in Indiana this time of the year. In fact, there are those who suffer from what is called “seasonal affective disorder.” The lack of light saps their energy and triggers moodiness if not depression.
Read MoreI’ve got a love affair going with Thanksgiving. It’s been going on for over 60 years. Hands down, it’s my favorite holiday. Here’s why.
Read MoreDo you know what the earliest Christian symbol was? You might guess the cross. That would certainly be the most popular answer. Yet that’s not case. Early on, believers were hesitant to display it publicly lest they be persecuted for their faith, so the cross was downplayed.
Read MoreOne of the goals of companies these days is to come up with a high-impact logo that has the potential to get indelibly fixed in people’s minds. A symbol with enough appeal, that when people see it, they will not only think of the company, but will want to buy the company’s product.
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