Light in the Darkness

Full moon in dark sky over a snowy mountain.


“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned… For unto us a child is born; unto us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.  And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.  He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever.  The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.

Isaiah 9: 2, 6-7


We hear a lot of complaints about how dark it is here in Indiana this time of the year.  In fact, there are those who suffer from what is called “seasonal affective disorder.” The lack of light saps their energy and triggers moodiness if not depression.

But what we face is nothing compared to living in Barrow, Alaska.  Ever heard of Barrow?  It’s located on the northern tip of the state, above the Arctic Circle.  

In Barrow, the sun sets in the afternoon on November 18, and it doesn’t rise again until January 24.  65 days of darkness!  When the sun appears again on January 24 – even though it’s just for a moment – the whole town comes out to celebrate, because finally, there is light again.

Scripture is speaking in the text above of a different kind of darkness but one that is no less real – it’s the darkness inside us.  Darkness not only covers the earth, it covers our souls.  And like the people of Barrow, Alaska we’re waiting, hoping that somehow, someway the darkness won’t have the last word        

The Good News of Christmas is that it didn’t!  At long last the light has come – “Unto us a child is born!”  It is as though the sun has risen in the Barrow, Alaska of our souls. 

We’ve gone from darkness to light.  And because of that no matter how dark the world can seem to be on the outside, the light of Jesus Christ will never stop shining on the inside.

Like the holiday lights which brighten our homes, so the Light of the World has come to brighten our souls. And no amount of seasonal darkness can prevail against that!

By the way, don’t feel too sorry for the people of Barrow, Alaska.  While it is true that right now, the sun never rises there, six months from now, the earth will tilt a different way, and then the sun will never set.  From May 10 until August 2, for almost three months, the sun never stops shining in Barrow.         

And so it is with the one who opens up to Jesus. Once His grace and mercy and forgiveness rise in your life, they will never stop shining.  No matter how dark the world gets around you, Christ’s love will always shine in your life.  

That’s what Isaiah is saying here.  To you who have known nothing but uncertainty and instability, nothing but conflict and strife, nothing but gloom and despair… to you who wonder if things will always be dark… rejoice!  The light has come.  YOUR light has come.

To you who have known nothing but uncertainty and instability, conflict and strife, gloom and despair… to you who wonder if things will always be dark… rejoice!  The light has come.  YOUR light has come!



Lord, I know full well the reality of darkness in this world and in my life.  And at times it seems that it will never end. Yet it was into such a world that You came.  You were in fact the Light of the World.  And you still are.  Indeed, You are the light of my life!  May I remember that in these dark days.  And may it remind me of the time to come when the darkness will be no more.



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