Dave DeSelm Ministries

Dave DeSelm speaking in church sanctuary.

After over 40 years of pastoral leadership experience, there’s one thing I can say for certain. 

Life in the ministry is hard. 

Don’t get me wrong, being a pastor is one of the highest callings one can receive. There are moments of great joy and fulfillment. Times when we see the fruit of our efforts: lives changed, marriages healed, the Kingdom advanced. 

But if you’re anything like me, there are just as many (if not more) times when being a pastor is just plain hard. 

Having to be the visionary, teacher, counselor, fundraiser, coach, evangelist, and disciple-maker all rolled into one can feel overwhelming. Balancing church and home is tricky. Dealing with the critics, the church “bosses,” or underperforming staff is draining. After a while the body blows to the soul take a toll. 

Pastors often feel isolated and alone, confused, and frustrated. They want to build a prevailing church. They long to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission to go and make disciples, but they aren’t sure how. And the resources they need seem out of reach. 

It’s no wonder nearly 40% of pastors have considered quitting in the past 3 months.

I understand.

I started out with a church plant of 50 people and watched God grow it to a diverse family of over 2300. Such a journey has required a ton of change, with all the highs and lows that come with it! 

There were many times over the years that I longed for someone who would come alongside me and offer coaching, insight, experience and grace. 

I can help.

Dave DeSelm Ministries is here to bring hope and help to the everyday leader. We offer resources that will help you equip the everyday people you lead to become disciples who live out their Kingdom mission every day.

Let’s get started!


Dave DeSelm

Executive Director
Dave DeSelm Ministries, Inc.


Dave DeSelm

  • Over 40 years of pastoral ministry experience

  • 34 years as founding Senior Pastor of Fellowship Missionary Church

  • Led through growth from 50 to over 2300 attenders, from a staff of one to a team of over 25.

  • Ordained with the Missionary Church USA

  • Accredited coach with 3D Movements

  • Served as adjunct professor of homiletics in the graduate programs of Huntington University and Bethel University (IN)

Dave DeSelm

I was born and raised in the heart of America, Fort Wayne, Indiana. I was raised in a churched home, but didn’t begin a personal relationship with Jesus until I was in college.

After graduating from Ball State University in 1973 with a degree in Elementary Education, I began my career as a 6th grade school teacher. I also completed a Masters degree in Education from Indiana University.

As a young adult, I got involved in a local church where I deepened my faith and developed my skills of teaching and leadership. I also met a young woman named Gwen. We fell in love and were married in that church in 1977.

A few years into our marriage, the leadership of our church recognized gifting in me and invited me to join the staff. In 1979 I began my life as a pastor, serving as the Pastor for Discipleship and Evangelism at First Missionary Church in Fort Wayne, IN.

I also went back to school, earning a Masters degree in Christian Ministry from Huntington University.

In 1982 our church leadership felt the Lord calling them to plant a new church in an under-reached part of the city. Fifty pioneers, mostly young adults, committed to go, and they called me to be their pastor. 

I was blessed to serve as the founding Senior Pastor of Fellowship Missionary Church for 34 years. During that time Fellowship grew from a small, homogeneous group of 50 to a large, diverse family of 2300. I started as the only staff member and ended leading a staff of 25. I have led through 5 building projects, all with the commitment to incurring no debt. And I have led our congregation through challenging paradigm shifts: in worship, diversity, mission, and discipleship. 

In 2017, I handed off the baton of leadership at Fellowship in a planned succession, and was honored to remain on staff as a Teaching and Training Pastor. 

I love preaching and teaching, and have had the honor to serve as an adjunct professor of homiletics in the graduate programs of Huntington University and Bethel University.

I have the privilege of serving as the Large Church Liaison for our tribe, the Missionary Church. And Gwen and I are accredited coaches with 3D Movements where we have coached pastors and their wives in discipleship and mission. 

In 2018, God gave us the vision for Dave DeSelm Ministries. Gwen and I left our staff roles at Fellowship to start this new adventure - taking the things we have learned and passing them on, resourcing everyday pastors to equip everyday people to become every day disciples.

In my spare time I love bass fishing, reading, following the St. Louis Cardinals and spending time with my family.  Gwen and I have been blessed with 3 amazing children who married incredible partners and gave us 7 beautiful grandchildren.