The Face of Joy


Back in 2021, as we were emerging from the long, dark season of COVID, I attended a gathering of leaders from my denomination, the first of its kind since the CDC had issued its new facemask guidelines. I enjoyed seeing old friends in person that I hadn’t seen in over a year.

Midway through the event, I called Gwen because I noticed something in me. I felt joy! And it surprised me! I went into this meeting grumbling about having to “lose” half a day. Instead, in seeing old friends and colleagues, I “won” the life-giving energy of joy.

As Gwen and I discussed this later, we wondered if the joy I experienced wasn’t simply a function of physically being together. It was the fact that our faces were uncovered. For the first time in a LONG time, I could see my friends’ faces light up in a smile… in person… not on a screen… not half-covered by a mask.

The Face and Joy

That idea is supported by an interesting phenomenon revealed by studies in brain science. There is a connection between the face and joy.

God designed the facial recognition circuitry in our brains and He connected it to our joy center. When my friends’ faces lit up when they saw me, it initiated a joyful chain reaction in my brain. And I could feel that joy in my body.

Brain science reveals that this joy sensation is critical for healthy emotional and relational development. From the time we are born, our brains are constantly scanning our surroundings, looking for someone who is glad to be with us. And the face is the key.

God designed us to seek joy through eyes and facial expressions, through being with people who are glad to be with us. And that includes Him!

Look at Numbers 6:24-26 – a blessing that God taught to Israel.  Perhaps you’re familiar with it:

The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;
The LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.

Psalm 16:11 continues this theme: “In Your presence there is fullness of joy.” Psalm 21:6 adds, “You make him joyful with gladness in your presence.”

What’s fascinating is that the word we have translated as “presence” in both these verses is the Hebrew word for face! Literally, the psalmist is saying joy is found in God’s face.

God’s face lights up because of you, His child! And when you can sense His delight in just being with you, you’ll find joy!

Is it any wonder the Bible says “the joy of the Lord is our strength” (Neh. 8:10)?

Here’s the thing, friends. You and I can offer that same kind of emotional strength to others by giving them “glad to be with you” joy.

The Gift of Joy

I’ll never forget one particular experience of this.

Gwen and I had been going through an emotionally and relationally challenging season. So, when we decided to visit a new church one Sunday, our hearts were tender and hesitant. But within a few minutes of walking through the doors, the pastor saw us and rushed over with a huge grin on his face. He enveloped me in a big bear hug and said, “I’m so glad to see you! It’s wonderful that you’re here!” His enthusiasm was genuine. 

Something got triggered in me in that moment. Joy. The feeling was overwhelming. Someone was glad to be with me. I could feel my body lighten. I could sense my heart opening.

That attachment joy carried over to worship. I was able to engage more fully. I was more open to listen and more eager to respond. As a result, something was healed in me.

As you go through your day, my friends, I encourage you to offer the gift of joy to those you encounter. Let your face and eyes shine, letting them know that you are happy to be with them.  You’ll never know how transformational that little bit of joy might be.

Interested in learning more about joy? 

Discover the role joy plays in marriage, parenting, discipleship, and in the workplace. 


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