The Master's Plan for Discipleship

Jesus was the greatest leader who ever lived. He inspired multitudes with His teaching. He performed miracles before thousands. Yet, for all of His interaction with large numbers of people, His primary investment was with a small group of individuals.

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Leading Your Stressed Staff

One of the unique challenges that pastors have in these difficult days is that of shouldering responsibility for the well-being of others. The role requires wearing multiple hats: spouse, parent, child (if there are elderly parents involved), and shepherd of the flock.

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Your Anxious Thoughts

Like it or not, all of us are establishing new patterns during this time of crisis. These patterns are reflected in adjusted rhythms of work and rest. They’re seen in the ways we relate to people virtually rather than physically. They’re evidenced in the ways we shop and the places we worship. All of these carry a significant impact. However, one of the most crucial patterns that we need to consider is the way we think.

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Why Has God Allowed the Coronavirus?

If this question hasn’t been posed to you lately, it will be soon…especially when COVID-19 hits close to home through the death of a friend or family member. It’s then that the issue isn’t merely hypothetical but intensely personal. And people will be looking for an answer.

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Defining Reality and Giving Hope

The great general Napoleon Bonaparte is credited with saying: “The role of the leader is to define reality and give hope.” While true at all times, this is especially true during times of severe crisis – such as the one we’re currently facing.  This is when leaders need to balance realism with optimism.

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The Church on the Other Side

Even though the coronavirus crisis continues to rage, there’s already talk of when we can expect things to get back to normal. When life as we once knew it will return. Please allow me to offer an observation. Things will never get back to normal.

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Is He Worthy?

These are dark days. The threat of the COVID-19 pandemic is growing more and more serious. The infection rate is soaring. Hospitals are being overwhelmed. The death rate is advancing. For those of us in church leadership, this Easter will be unlike any other in our lives.

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Bend But Don't Break

What an unbelievable time we’re living in! The other day, my wife quietly observed, “It’s almost surreal. This can’t be happening.” Yet it is. As a pastor or church leader you’ve faced crises before, but none like this.

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The Key to Crisis Leadership

These are truly unprecedented times. Never in my lifetime have we had to face a global pandemic with all of the physical, relational, financial, and spiritual implications. So, how does one lead when this is such uncharted territory?

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From Associate to Lead Pastor

Most of the young leaders that I’m coaching began their ministry as an associate pastor. Many were youth pastors. Others were small group pastors. Then, the opportunity arose for them to move into the left seat of the cockpit and become the lead pilot for the ministry plane.

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10 Tips for Effective Sermon Illustrations

Tucked away in the book of Ecclesiastes are these words: “Not only was the Teacher wise, but he imparted knowledge to the people. He pondered and searched and set in order many proverbs.  The Teacher searched to find just the right words, and what he wrote was upright and true.  The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails – given by one Shepherd.” Ecclesiastes 12:9-11

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Your Discipleship Toolbox

I’m asked quite often, “What is the discipleship method that you have found to be the most effective?”  When I hear that, I know what the individual is looking for. They’re hoping to find a neatly packaged program that they can implement in their church to dramatic results.

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Facing Down Uncertainty

The Old Testament is filled with illustrations of great leaders: Moses, Joshua, Esther, David, Hezekiah, Josiah, etc.  I love to read of their exploits and marvel at their victories. Yet there’s another who is right at the top of my list of favorites.  It’s the son of King Saul – Jonathan. 

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Why Your Church Needs a Security Team

At a gathering of pastors I attended in this last year, one of the liveliest topics discussed was whether a church should have a security team.  I was intrigued that nearly every leader was in favor of it.  In fact, most of them had specific situations as to how having a security team served them well. While these pastors led large churches, the situations they described are common to churches of all sizes. 

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The Friendless Pastor, Part 2

Many pastors have very few true friends.  Frankly, it’s made many of those in the ministry among the most lonely of people. In part one of “The Friendless Pastor,” I offered some of the reasons why pastors struggle in this area. However, having identified those, how do we change that situation? 

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Preaching Sense About Dollars

Looking back at 35 years of preaching, there were some themes that deserved an annual emphasis. Some of these were holiday-based – Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, New Year’s. But I also came to see that there was another theme that also needed to be addressed every year. Money. Surprised?

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