096 Ephesians: A Change of Wardrobe

Those who are in Christ have been given a new identity and we are called to live in light of that identity. Like a change of wardrobe, we are to “put off our old self,” stripping off certain behaviors and attitudes as a set of filthy, smelly clothes.

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095 Ephesians: Finding Your Place, Pt. 3

Each of us in the Body of Christ have been given a role to play so that together we can build up the Church, making it strong and mature. Those roles are: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher.

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094 Ephesians: Finding Your Place, Pt. 2

In Ephesians 4, the Apostle Paul lists five unique roles God has given each one of us in the Body of Christ. These spiritual roles are the unique callings distributed to believers that enable them to fulfill strategic functions for the church.

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093 Ephesians: Finding Your Place, Pt. 1

In 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12, we find lists of “spiritual gifts.” Spiritual gifts are special abilities distributed to believers that enable them to perform special actions in the church. In Ephesians 4, however, we find, not a further listing of spiritual gifts., but rather a listing of spiritual roles.

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092 Ephesians: A Worthy Walk

When a person joins an organization, he obligates himself to live and act according to the standards of the group. The same thing should be true of believers. If you are part of the family of God, there’s an expectation that you will be loyal to your brothers and sisters and represent your Savior well.

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091 Ephesians: Realized Potential

Has anyone ever told you that you have unrealized potential? Maybe it was in athletics or academics, or the arts. But for those in the family of God, you have the potential to make an impact for the Kingdom. Indeed, YOU can be a world-changer.

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090 Ephesians: Dead or Alive?

As we continue our series from the book of Ephesians, we come to some of the most miraculous, hope-filled, life-changing verses in the whole epistle. These words are like a spiritual before and after picture.

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089 Ephesians: Praying Below the Surface

Most of the time we pray on what might be considered “felt need” prayers. We’re facing a crisis, we have practical needs, we’re trying to cope, so we pray. We ask God to intervene. But have you ever considered that there could be a whole other level to our prayers?

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