088 Ephesians: Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Who are you? How do you know who you are?  

The World bases your identity on appearance, achievements, acquisitions, and associations. It’s a matter of how you look, what you do, what you get, and who you know.  The thing is…basing your identity on these things is a set-up for a heart-break. Sooner or later, all of that will change. None of it is lasting. 

But the Word bases your identity on being chosen, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, and sealed by God Most High.

·      You are chosen (Eph. 1:4)

For many of us, one of the most painful aspects of growing up was not being chosen.  Whether for kickball or the school dance, not being chosen leaves deep scars on our hearts.  

But you are chosen by God – chosen not only to be part of the greatest team of all time but chosen to be part of the greatest family of all time. 

·      You are adopted. (vs. 5)

We are adopted for no other reason than because of His love for us.  And the intimacy born of that love is so great, we are invited to call God, “Abba” – which means “Papa”…“Daddy.”

·      You are redeemed. (vs. 7a)

The word “redeemed” has to do with something being bought through exchange.  

In Paul’s day, a slave’s freedom could be redeemed. Someone else could pay the cost of setting the person in bondage free.  

This is precisely what Jesus did for us.  He paid the price (with His very life) to redeem us.  He purchased our freedom from sin. Whatever has enslaved you - be it drugs, food, sex, gambling, fear, or something else - Jesus has redeemed you. You no longer have to be a slave to those things.  You can walk away from whoever or whatever held you captive and enjoy a new life of freedom.

·      You are forgiven. (vs. 7b)

What regrets haunt you?  What harm have you done?  What shame have you carried?

In Christ, you are totally, completely, and eternally forgiven. Jesus died to pay for it all and lives to forgive it all.

·      You are sealed. (vs. 13-14)

In the ancient world, owners would affix their personal seal to their possessions, marking it out as their own.     

When you made a decision to embrace Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, you were sealed by the Spirit of God who took up residence within you.  It is this Spirit who comforts you, empowers you, convicts you, and guides you.  He reminds you time and again that you are God’s possession and will be through all eternity.

This sealing reminds us that as much as we’re blessed now, it’s just a foretaste of the blessing to come.  

Text: Ephesians 1:3-14 

Originally recorded January 17, 2016 at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.