In Philippians 2, Paul calls his friends – and us – to live in a totally countercultural manner. This “upside-down living” is the very opposite of what our society sees as normal.
Read MoreWhat do you think God’s favorite word is? While we aren’t given a direct answer to that question, I’d like to hazard a guess.
Read MorePaul had told his friends, the Philippians, how he had suffered for the sake of Christ. Now, he tells them that they will face the same struggle.
Read MoreWhen Paul wrote his letter to his Philippian friends, he was under house arrest in Rome, chained constantly to a Roman guard. But Paul saw this as an opportunity for the gospel.
Read MoreIn the last episode, we looked at the first three pieces of armor. Today we look at the last three.
Read MoreWe are in a very real battle. But that fight is not with a flesh and blood enemy, but with spiritual powers and principalities. In light of that unique conflict, Paul counsels us to put on the full armor of God that we might engage in battle effectively.
Read MoreWhy is life so hard? Why does it feel like we are in a battle - whether in our marriages, with our kids, on the job, and even in the church? The answer is simple: We live in a universe at war.
Read MoreFor many, this is a tough passage because Paul is discussing a topic that, understandably, hits a raw nerve: slavery. Some might even go so far as to dismiss these verses as being short-sighted if not bigoted. But to draw that conclusion would be to make a mistake and to miss the apostle’s point.
Read MoreThere’s not one of us who has not and who will not face many decisions. That’s not the issue. The issue is, “How do we make good decisions?”
Read MoreToday we’re going to be considering what it means to live as children of light. In particular, in the area of sexual purity.
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