223 Philippians: Extreme Makeover, pt. 2

In our last episode, we began talking about what it means to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who is at work in you…” (Phil. 2:12-13). We said that if we hope to see the ongoing transformation of God in our lives, we must cooperate with God in the process. 

Transformation of any sort involves three elements: 

  • V – Vision

  • I – Intention

  • M – Method 

Take the example of an NFL player. Their vision is to win the Super Bowl. But to accomplish this vision, they must intentionally arrange their lives around the methods that will get them there. Even if those methods are costly! Why? Because the vision drives them.

The same thing is true in our spiritual journey. What is it that will compel us to grow? The vision of the day all will kneel and proclaim that Jesus is Lord. The day we will stand before Him and hear Him say, “Well done.”

But that kind of life will not just happen. You don’t stumble into that kind of maturity. It will take intention.

But what method, practice, or activity will help us experience that vision?

I believe that spiritual disciplines are essential methods of spiritual training.

Spiritual disciplines are activities that enable you to receive power and life from God. Things like Bible study, prayer, fasting, solitude, confession, community, and worship are valuable training methods.

Spiritual disciplines are not an indicator of spirituality. As with an athlete, the disciplines are the drills that prepare you for the game. They are not the game itself. Spiritual disciplines are not the end in themselves. Rather, they should train us to be more kind, generous, forgiving, wise, and courageous. That’s the real game.

Spiritual disciplines are not a way to earn favor with God. We don’t engage in these practices because we’re trying to impress or please God. We do them because we love Him and want to be more like Him.

Spiritual disciplines are not necessarily unpleasant. Rather than being onerous or drudgery, spiritual disciplines can and should be life-giving and joy-filled.

Spiritual disciplines are a matter of personal choice. Which disciplines result in the transformation you’re looking for? Do those! 

But remember, spiritual transformation only happens when we cooperate with the work of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps the place to start your extreme makeover is by starting each day with the discipline of presentation. “Oh, God, fill me this day with Your Spirit. Do Your work in me.”



Text: Philippians 2:12-13

Originally recorded on September 14, 2008, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN