In our last episode, we began talking about what it means to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who is at work in you…”
Read MoreMakeover shows have been exceedingly popular television viewing for decades. Do you remember the show, “Extreme Makeover”?
Read MoreIn Paul’s letter to the Colossians, he tells this group of believers he had never met that he was agonizing in prayer for them. Why? What was he praying for so fervently? He was praying for their growth – their maturity in Christ.
Read MoreWhen a person joins an organization, he obligates himself to live and act according to the standards of the group. The same thing should be true of believers. If you are part of the family of God, there’s an expectation that you will be loyal to your brothers and sisters and represent your Savior well.
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