Have you ever wondered, “Is it worth it?” Is all the sacrifice and effort for the Kingdom really worth it? Is all the ridicule and mockery for following Jesus worth it?
Read MoreWhat if material prosperity does not always lead to spiritual prosperity? What if material affluence can result in spiritual indifference?
Read MoreThe city of Philadelphia (Turkey, not Pennsylvania) was considered the gateway to the whole central plateau of Asia Minor. Jesus used this strategic point of geography to give the church there this spiritual challenge: “I have placed before you an open door.”
Read MoreThyatira was the smallest of the 7 cities named in Revelation 2-3, but its church received the longest letter. Perhaps because they faced far more serious challenges.
Read MoreJesus begins His message to the Church at Pergamum by saying this: “I know where you live, where Satan has his throne.”
Read MoreJesus introduces Himself to the Church at Smyrna as “the First and Last, the one who died and came to life again. I know your afflictions and your poverty.”
Read MoreWorship does many things. Worship gives praise to the One who is above your circumstances, provides perspective in your circumstances, and breaks the power of the forces of darkness behind your circumstances.
Read MoreIn Ephesians 6, the Apostle Paul tells us that the battles we face in life are not against flesh and blood humans. The real battle is against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms
Read MoreWe live in a world at war. A spiritual war that is being felt in the lives of people since the fall of man.
Read MoreOne of the strategies used by special forces teams is called H.A.L.O. – High Altitude, Low Opening. In order to minimize their exposure to enemy gunfire, these expert parachutists jump from a plane at a minimum altitude of 25,000 ft.
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