074 The Real Battle: The Weapon of Scripture


In Ephesians 6, the Apostle Paul tells us that the battles we face in life are not against flesh and blood humans. The real battle is against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, we need to fight our battles on that front. 

He then uses the illustration of a Roman soldier armed for battle, instructing us to put on the armor of God, protecting and preparing us for the attacks that are sure to come. 

But of all the pieces of armor he describes, there is only one piece that is offensive in nature. The Sword. (Eph. 6:17) And since we do not fight with the weapons of this world, what is our sword? 

It is the Word of God. 

But while it’s one thing to understand that the Word of God is a sword that can be wielded against the powers of darkness, it’s something else to see it used effectively.  And the best example I know is Jesus Himself.

Following His baptism, Jesus is led by the Spirit into the wilderness. And after 40 days of fasting, Satan comes to Him. (Mt. 4:1-11)

Here we see a classic pattern of temptation that we would do well to understand.

Expect the attack that is sure to come.  

We live in a war zone. You might not like it. You can, however, be ready for it.  

Let me give you two instances when you need to be especially alert.

·      It will come at a time when the enemy thinks you are vulnerable. 

Jesus has been fasting for 40 days. He was hungry. That’s when Satan stepped in.

Satan is not omniscient. But he is very observant. He knows when you’re weak, tired, hurt, or alone, and he will take advantage of those moments.  

·      It will come when you’re on the threshold of something great.

Jesus was about to launch His ministry. The Evil One knew that and tried to stop it in the fragility of its infancy. This strategy hasn’t changed. 

We also need to… 

Understand that the attack is going to be directed at your weak spot.

The first of Satan’s temptations was to turn stones into bread so He could eat. It wasn’t that eating was wrong, it was that this wasn’t the time to eat.  

We all face the same temptation.

·      fulfilling your desires at the wrong time  

The issue isn’t the legitimacy of the desire; it’s fulfilling it at the wrong time. 

Satan’s second temptation was to entice Jesus to throw Himself off the highest point of the Temple. Seems like a strange temptation, but the heart of it was… 

·      attaining your goals in the wrong way

Many of us are vulnerable to the whisper that the end justifies the means.  

The third temptation was to gain wealth and power by bowing the knee to Satan. The temptation we face is…

·      focusing your worship on the wrong thing

An idol is anything more important to you than God. Anything that absorbs your attention and affection more than God. Anything you seek to give you what only God can give. 

How did Jesus triumph over these powerful temptations?  He used His sword, the Scriptures.  He determined to…

Combat the attack with the Word of truth.  

  • Jesus knew the Word and

  • Jesus used the Word

Jesus responded to each temptation with these words: “It is written.” Jesus not only had Scripture memorized, but He knew how to apply that Word to specific situations and temptations. 

As His disciples, we must learn to do what Jesus did if we hope to overcome temptation.


Text: Ephesians 6:10-20; Matthew 4:1-11

Originally recorded October 16, 2011, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.