Posts tagged authority in Christ
090 Ephesians: Dead or Alive?

As we continue our series from the book of Ephesians, we come to some of the most miraculous, hope-filled, life-changing verses in the whole epistle. These words are like a spiritual before and after picture.

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083 Healing: The Bondage Breaker

When it comes to healing, it’s one thing to deal with the physical brokenness in our bodies or the emotional brokenness in our minds. However, there are occasions when beneath all of that is something that’s hidden yet even more deadly – the spiritual brokenness in our souls.

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075 The Real Battle: The Weapon of Worship

Worship does many things. Worship gives praise to the One who is above your circumstances, provides perspective in your circumstances, and breaks the power of the forces of darkness behind your circumstances.

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074 The Real Battle: The Weapon of Scripture

In Ephesians 6, the Apostle Paul tells us that the battles we face in life are not against flesh and blood humans. The real battle is against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms

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