Posts tagged prayer
169 Revelation: When the Trumpets Sound

In this message, I’d like to walk us through four key images in Revelation chapters 8-11 – one from each chapter – and then find an application in each for our lives. 

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103 Ephesians: Necessary Armor, pt. 2

In the last episode, we looked at the first three pieces of armor. Today we look at the last three.

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102 Ephesians: Necessary Armor, pt. 1

We are in a very real battle. But that fight is not with a flesh and blood enemy, but with spiritual powers and principalities. In light of that unique conflict, Paul counsels us to put on the full armor of God that we might engage in battle effectively.

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089 Ephesians: Praying Below the Surface

Most of the time we pray on what might be considered “felt need” prayers. We’re facing a crisis, we have practical needs, we’re trying to cope, so we pray. We ask God to intervene. But have you ever considered that there could be a whole other level to our prayers?

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081 Stories of the Kingdom: If Only I'd Known

There are certain regrets in life that fall under the category of what might be called, “If only I’d known…” But the ultimate regret story is the one Jesus told in Matthew 25.

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