There are many kinds of prayer and many reasons for prayer, but most of the time, it seems that we pray when there is a need or crisis. Such prayers are appropriate and powerful! But is that all God had in mind when He gave us the gift of prayer?
Read MoreWhen you’re in the Land Between, the natural question we ask is, “How long? How long will I be in this hard place?”
Read MoreDeep inside every human spirit, there’s this unquenchable longing for justice. We look at the inequity of our world and ask, “How long, Lord?”
Read MoreIn this message, I’d like to walk us through four key images in Revelation chapters 8-11 – one from each chapter – and then find an application in each for our lives.
Read MoreIn the last episode, we looked at the first three pieces of armor. Today we look at the last three.
Read MoreWe are in a very real battle. But that fight is not with a flesh and blood enemy, but with spiritual powers and principalities. In light of that unique conflict, Paul counsels us to put on the full armor of God that we might engage in battle effectively.
Read MoreWhy is life so hard? Why does it feel like we are in a battle - whether in our marriages, with our kids, on the job, and even in the church? The answer is simple: We live in a universe at war.
Read MoreMost of the time we pray on what might be considered “felt need” prayers. We’re facing a crisis, we have practical needs, we’re trying to cope, so we pray. We ask God to intervene. But have you ever considered that there could be a whole other level to our prayers?
Read MoreThere are certain regrets in life that fall under the category of what might be called, “If only I’d known…” But the ultimate regret story is the one Jesus told in Matthew 25.
Read MoreWe are told right from the start why Jesus told this story. He wanted to motivate His followers to pray and never give up.
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