102 Ephesians: Necessary Armor, pt. 1

We are in a very real battle. But that fight is not with a flesh and blood enemy, but with spiritual powers and principalities. In light of that unique conflict, Paul counsels us to put on the full armor of God that we might engage in battle effectively.  

We’re going to look at 3 of those pieces of armor in this message and the remainder in the next episode.

The first piece of armor Paul mentions is the…

The Belt of Truth. 

For the Roman soldier, the belt was key to many of the other aspects of the armor. For one thing, it gathered a soldier’s tunic so the material wouldn’t hamper his movements. As well, it secured the bottom of the breastplate and the sheath for the sword. 

In beginning with this piece of armor, Paul reminds us that one of the most basic elements we need to put on is truth. The reason why is that our Adversary specializes in the lie. 

The Evil One’s lies come in all sorts of ways, but the two primary things he lies about are who God is and who you are. But Satan’s lies are countered by the truth of God’s Word.  

The second piece of armor is…

The Breastplate of Righteousness.

The Roman breastplate protected the vital organs and was an essential piece of armor, one no soldier would go into battle without. When the enemy would thrust with his sword, stab with his spear, or fire an arrow in an attempt to get to the soldier’s heart, it was the breastplate that protected him.  

In a similar way, it’s the breastplate of righteousness that protects our hearts.  There are two layers to this.

  • Imputed righteousness: This is the righteousness given to us by God at salvation. When Satan accuses us and condemns us for the times we fail, remember it is Christ’s righteousness that protects our hearts.

  • Imparted righteousness: When we become Christians, God’s Spirit is imparted, or given, to us and He gives us the capacity to live righteously. We are then to walk in ways that are consistent with who we are as everyday saints.

However, when we sin, if we do not deal with it quickly through confession and repentance, it can create a chink in our breastplate. Paul warns us here to keep our breastplate on and intact. 

The third piece of armor is…

The Shoes of Peace.

For the Roman soldier, to lose his footing in a battle quite often insured his death.  Thus it was that he would wear open-toed boots or sandals with nail-studded soles.  

The foundation we are to stand on in the battles we face is the readiness that comes from God’s peace - peace with God and the peace of God.


Text: Ephesians 6:13-17

Originally recorded on July 17, 2016, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.