084 Healing: Healing Then and Now


Jesus‘ ministry was characterized by three things: 

·       WORDS:  He taught with authority.

·       WAYS:  He chose disciples in whom to invest.

·       WORKS:  He healed the sick and oppressed.

And His disciples - then and now - are called to not only follow but to imitate their Rabbi.  

For most of my Christian life, I committed myself to obey Jesus’ words. And I have come to see that I needed to follow Jesus’ ways, intentionally and strategically investing in a few who will invest in others. 

However, when it came to Jesus’ works, I didn’t think I could hope to do the things He did!

But then I saw how Jesus sent out the 12 disciples and “gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.” (Mt. 10:1) 

Then I read how he sent out 72 of His followers and gave them the same authority. (Lk. 10:1,9)     

Finally, I came across John 14:12. And my excuses began to shrivel up.

“Truly, truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father.” John 14:12

Notice the word “whoever.”  That implies that ordinary, garden-variety disciples can, in light of their identity in Christ, exercise their authority as it relates to healing.

My problem is that this has not been part of my experience.  But recently I have come to see that I have allowed my experience to become more authoritative than God’s Word.

So, here’s a question for you to ponder:  As it relates to doing the works of Jesus, do you bring God’s Word down to your experience or do you bring your experience up to God’s Word?

But God doesn’t always heal every time we ask. So how do we live in this tension?  

As you know,  in Eden everything was very good. There was no sickness or pain.  There was no death. Then came the fall when everything broke.  Sickness, pain, and death became part of life.

We also know that one day there will be a new earth. The Bible calls this “the Day of the Lord.” In that day, as Rev. 21 says, “…There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain...”

We have the hope that one day full healing will be known by everyone once and for all.  We can hold on to that fact and rest in that promise.  If healing doesn’t come in the here and now, it will come in the then and there. 

We also know that, until that time, “…God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Rom. 8:28(NASB)

Even when healing doesn’t come when we pray, we can be confident that God will cause all things to work together for our good.  

The problem is that all too often followers of Jesus quickly capitulate to these first two threads. 

But what if there’s another thread? Call it “The Greater Things” thread. If John 14:12 is true and whoever believes in Jesus will do greater things than He did… then everyday disciples have the authority to ask…to pray for healing…now.

Let’s hold on to the hope of heaven, trusting in God’s perfect plan, and step out and pray boldly. Pray and keep on praying until the person is either healed, Christ returns, or they receive their healing in heaven.

Text: Mark 1:15-34; Mt. 10:1; Lk. 10:1,9; Jn. 16:12

Originally recorded June 18, 2017, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.