083 Healing: The Bondage Breaker


When it comes to healing,  it’s one thing to deal with the physical brokenness in our bodies or the emotional brokenness in our minds.   

However, there are occasions when beneath all of that is something that’s hidden yet even more deadly – the spiritual brokenness in our souls.  Such strongholds can seriously affect the physical or the mental.  

We read of that in Luke 13:10-13.  

On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years.  She was bent over and could not straighten up at all.  

When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God.

We might easily conclude that this woman simply had some form of scoliosis.  But Doctor Luke notes that the woman’s physical condition had a spiritual cause.             

Notice Jesus’ wording: “…you are set free from your infirmity.”  This would seem to say that she had been held in bondage. 

Friends, that’s what we need to grasp. There are occasions when healing is a matter of deliverance.  A Bondage Breaker is needed.   

And as disciples of Jesus, we need to be alert to the possibility of spiritual bondage as we pray for healing. 


Dr. Marcus Warner uses the acrostic S.O.U.L.

·      Sin

Unrepentant sin, especially sexual sin, can open the door to give evil spirits permission to torment us.

·      Occult

Ouija boards, seances, witchcraft, visiting mediums, etc. – participation in occult practices is like an open invitation to infestation.  

·      Unforgiveness

In His parable of the unjust servant, Jesus said that this unforgiving man was turned over “to be tortured.” He then went on to say, “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.” (Mt. 18:34-35)

Unforgiveness leads to bondage which can manifest as sickness.

·      Lies

Jesus called Satan, “the Father of Lies.”  He lies to us about who God is and who we are. 

When we believe the lies of the Evil One, often our bodies keep score.  




“In the name of Jesus, I confess my participation in ________ and I renounce any further participation in this sin.  I agree with you that it was wrong and I ask Your forgiveness.”


“In the name of Jesus, I cancel the permission this has given the enemy.  I would take back the ground I gave and ask, Lord for you to cleanse it and claim it.” 


“In the name of Jesus I now command every demon who took advantage of this ground to leave and go where the Lord Jesus Christ sends you.”


“Lord Jesus, I commit these areas of my life and all other areas of my life to You.  I ask for Your grace to walk in victory as I go forward.”


Text: Luke 13:10-13

Originally recorded June 11, 2017, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.