073 The Real Battle: The Weapon of Prayer


We live in a world at war. A spiritual war that is being felt in the lives of people since the fall of man.

But the incarnation of Jesus Christ was an invasion.  The Son of God dropped down from above…into occupied territory…to do battle with the Enemy…and to free those held captive. 

The mission was a glorious success.  But the price paid couldn’t have been higher.  It cost Jesus His life.  Yet, because of that sacrifice, those of us who have embraced Him by faith have experienced wonderful liberation from sin and Satan.

Shortly after His successful mission, Jesus ascended to heaven, retaking His position at the right hand of the Father.  The Bible says that positionally, we are seated there with Him, sharing in His authority above all powers and principalities. 

And now, in light of that authority, Jesus asks us to follow His example by joining the invasion. The Great Commission is our mandate to take back territory and liberate prisoners.

2 Corinthians 10:3-4 says: “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.”

If you’re going to be engaged in a battle, you need to know what your weapons are. The first of those weapons is PRAYER.

In Ephesians 6:10-20, the Apostle Paul talks about who our enemy is, and urges us to put on the armor of God. Why? To pray. Verse 18 says: “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” 

Paul not only challenges these disciples to pray as it relates to the attack they’re under but to pray that they and he might go on the offensive.   

There are two aspects of warfare praying that I want to highlight.  The first is using…

  • The Name of Jesus

Luke 10:17 notes how demons were cast out “in Jesus'” name.  Jesus, Himself promises extraordinary power being released when we ask anything “in His name” (John 14:13).

In inviting us to use His name, Jesus transfers divine authority to us.  I’m not talking about glibly and mindlessly closing a prayer with “In Jesus’ name, Amen.”  But when we thoughtfully, boldly, and confidently bring the name of Jesus to bear upon a situation, the Enemy is forced to back down because of the authority it holds.

Another aspect of warfare praying is…

  • The Blood of Jesus

When Jesus shed His blood on the cross, not only were our sins paid for but Satan’s power was definitively broken.  

The forces of evil hate nothing more than to be reminded of the blood of Christ.  That shed blood broke the Evil One’s power.  And when it is invoked in prayer, darkness must give way. 

Dear ones, we who have come to embrace Jesus by faith have been saved.  We’ve been sealed.  We’ve been seated.  But we’ve also been given an assignment – to invade a lost world and to engage an Enemy who still holds millions as prisoners.

The task is daunting.  But it’s not hopeless.  Our victory is assured.  The time is coming when Satan and his forces will be sentenced once and for all to the Lake of Fire.  And then, Jesus will reign!

But until that day, we’ve got a job to do.  We’ll have all of eternity to celebrate our victories, but we only have a short time to gain them.  Let’s make the most of the time we have.

Text: Ephesians 6:10-20; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Originally recorded October 9, 2011, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.


The Adversary by Mark I. Bubeck (new edition 2013, Moody Press) 

Overcoming the Adversary by Mark I. Bubeck (© 1984 Moody Press) 

Spiritual Warfare by Timothy M. Warner (© 1991 Crossway Books)

The Essential Guide to Spiritual Warfare by Neil T. Anderson and Timothy M. Warner (reprint 2016, Bethany House Publishers)