Posts tagged false teachers
165 Revelation: Anticipating the Antichrist

The Bible talks about a 7-year period of time that will be the climactic era of history - when the church will be raptured, God’s final judgments will be poured out, and Jesus will come again. These 7 years will be kicked off by the arrival on the world scene of a key figure: the Antichrist.

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164 Revelation: Countdown to the Meltdown

We’re about to enter into the portion of this book that speaks of a series of cataclysmic events that will bring history to its dramatic climax.  And one of the words we’ll be seeing with some frequency is “tribulation.” 

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142 Seven Churches of Revelation: Thyatira - The Wayward Church

Thyatira was the smallest of the 7 cities named in Revelation 2-3, but its church received the longest letter. Perhaps because they faced far more serious challenges.

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