164 Revelation: Countdown to the Meltdown

We’re about to enter into the portion of this book that speaks of a series of cataclysmic events that will bring history to its dramatic climax.  And one of the words we’ll be seeing with some frequency is “tribulation.” 

Jesus makes it clear that tribulation – trouble, stress, pressure – is to be expected in this life because we live in a sin-stained, Satan-controlled world.

But there is coming a day when there will be a time of tribulation that is on another level entirely. In Mt. 24:21 Jesus refers to it as “a great tribulation” that is unlike any ever seen before or since.

The $10,000 question is, “When will it begin?” We begin to see the answer in Revelation 6.

The chapter opens with Jesus taking the scroll that contains God’s plan for the restoration of His Kingdom and one by one opening the 7 seals. These seals must all be opened before the scroll can be unrolled, which would seem to say that these 7 seals are preparatory and preliminary to the Great Tribulation to come.

If we look at Matthew 24 in parallel, we can gain some insights into what these seals mean. 

Each of the first four seals brings forth a rider on a horse, sometimes called “the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.”


Seal #1: The White Horse

It is my belief that the white horse represents false Christs who will deceive many. Ultimately, there will come the consummate deceiver: the Antichrist himself. But until then, there will be an acceleration of counterfeits.

I have to ask you. Is that happening today?


Seal #2: The Red Horse

The red horseman symbolizes war. As the end nears, war will increase. Not only between nations but between people groups.

Are we seeing more war?


Seal #3: The Black Horse

The black horseman seems to reflect great scarcity if not actual famine. A time when it would take all a man earns to buy enough food to survive. But it also seems to indicate that luxury items would suffer no lack. That is, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Is that happening in our world?


Seal #4: The Pale Horse

Death rides this horse with the grave (Hades) following close behind. The sword and famine will claim many lives. Some suggest the “wild beasts” might be the deadliest beast of all: the rat, spreading disease as their population explodes.


Seal #5: Martyrs

Persecution of Christians will increase and intensify.

A natural question here would be, “If these first five seals have been exhibited down through history, how will we know when it’s not simply a function of general tribulation and we’re in the Great Tribulation?” 

As best I understand it, we won’t exactly know that we’re in the Great Tribulation until this moment when the sixth seal is broken.


Seal #6: A Cataclysmic Event

The cosmic meltdown alluded to is greater than any earthquake we’ve ever known. The seismic implications of this event will literally change the face of our planet. Could it be an asteroid or comet that strikes the Earth? We don’t know. But when it happens, it will be a day unlike any other ever to take place on this planet. And it will trigger in rapid succession all the other aspects of His wrath as the seventh seal is broken.

Simultaneously with this event, this may be when the Rapture of the Church takes place.  

In light of this, what should we do?

1.     Stand firm.

2.     Keep watch.

3.     Be ready.



Text: Revelation 6

Originally recorded on March 12, 2000, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.