163 Revelation: Worthy of Worship

Revelation 5 continues from the previous chapter with the scene of God the Father on the throne.  But now John notices that in His right hand is a scroll sealed with 7 seals. This is how important, confidential documents were kept private.

The scroll represents the title deed to Planet Earth. Whoever held the scroll and opened it up had the authority to rule the world and the ability to fulfill God’s ultimate purposes for the human race.

However, until it was opened, God’s plan could not and would not be realized.

The natural question that’s asked is this: “Is there anyone worthy to open the scroll?  Who has the authority to rule the earth? Who is capable of setting things right?  Is there anyone?

The answer comes back: no one.  No one was found worthy to take the scroll in hand and open it. 

Hearing this, John weeps. He weeps for the beauty of a world that could be but is not. And he weeps for his own failure to be part of the solution.

Friends, if you’ve ever wept that things are so ugly and so unfair and so wrong… then you’ve wept the tears of John.

Then one of the elders says to John, “Do not weep! There is One who is worthy to take the scroll and open the seals.”

Then John sees a Lamb – a Lamb who is worthy. He is worthy because…

1.     He was slain. (v. 9)

Literally, “slaughtered” - like a sacrifice offered for sin. Jesus, “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (Jn.1:29), was the sinless sacrifice offered once and for all so that we might be saved. And not only saved, but adopted. And because we are children of God, we are also His heirs.

That’s why He is worthy of all praise and glory!

The Lamb is also worthy because…

2.     He is strong. (vs. 6b)

The Lamb is described as having 7 horns and 7 eyes. The number 7 speaks of perfection or completeness. 7 horns indicate that He is all-powerful. 7 eyes convey that He is all-seeing. This Lamb was strong enough to conquer! He conquered demons, sickness, and disease.  He conquered sin on the cross. He conquered death in His resurrection. He is worthy!


3.     He is standing. (v. 6)

He is standing because He is ready to take action. Taking the scroll in hand, He is about to bring that power to bear upon our twisted and perverse world. He is about to begin the judgment on evil. He is about to vindicate His church and set up His millennial reign.

This is our destiny – and it’s a glorious one. (v. 10)

He is worthy! Worthy to rule. Worthy to worship.



Text: Revelation 5

Originally recorded on February 20, 2000, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.