218 Philippians: God's Favorite Word
What do you think God’s favorite word is?
While we aren’t given a direct answer to that question, I’d like to hazard a guess. It’s a word found in the first two verses of Philippians 2: “….make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.”
I think God’s favorite word is… ONE.
God is so committed to the idea of oneness and unity among His people and so longs for intimate community to flourish here and now that it’s difficult to overstate His heart for its protection. Our unity—our oneness—not only glorifies Him but also sends a clear message to a broken, fragmented world.
We see that clearly in the life of Jesus. On the night He was betrayed, the Savior prayed for His disciples and for future disciples yet to come. He prayed “ that they may be one as we are one…so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” (Jn 17:22-23)
To Jesus’ way of thinking, one of the greatest evidences of His transformational power was relational unity. Indeed, it was the undeniable unity of the incredibly diverse first church that caused an amazed world to say, “How they love one another!”
But this unity is fragile. Traditional loyalties, personal preferences, and individual desires die hard. Real unity in a diverse community, while a beautiful sight to behold, requires constant attention.
That’s why Paul urges the Philippians to get along. We don’t know exactly what the threat was to their unity, but likely it was the same thing that threatens many churches today. When people feel passionate about an issue, and others don’t share their passion, conflict can arise.
Paul begins his admonition by offering… The Motivation for Unity
paraklesis = encouragement
paramuthion = consolation
koinonia = partnership, fellowship
splanchna = deep affection
oiktirmos = mercies
Have you experienced any of these in the community of faith? If so, then use it as motivation to fight for unity within the Body of Christ.
Paul then shows us…The Marks of Unity:
auto phronete = likemindedness Look for places of common understanding and genuine agreement.
agape = selfless and sacrificial response Giving up one’s rights for the greater good.
to en phronountes = intent on one purpose Keep the big picture in mind, the ultimate vision: the Kingdom of God
Jesus gave His life that we might enter into His eternal family and demonstrate our unity to a watching world. So how committed are you to honor the oneness He died for?
Text: Philippians 2:1-2
Originally recorded on August 10, 2008, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN