096 Ephesians: A Change of Wardrobe

Those who are in Christ have been given a new identity and we are called to live in light of that identity. Like a change of wardrobe, we are to “put off our old self,” stripping off certain behaviors and attitudes as a set of filthy, smelly clothes. 

Off with the Old.

In Eph. 4, Paul “insists” that believers must no longer live like the godless around us. Why? Because they have…

·      a darkened mind (vs. 17-18)

Why are our minds so important?  Because what we think determines what we do.   You don’t ever step into compromise without first of all rationalizing why it isn’t so bad.  Behavior is cognitive before it is experiential.

Directly related to this idea of a dark mind is…

·      a hard heart (vs. 18-19)

The Greek word refers to an especially hard kind of stone. It was also used to describe calluses.  

And in this case, it emphasized how repeated behaviors could deaden any sensitivity.  Those who walk in the old way of life and continue to compromise gradually grow more and more deadened to the conviction of the Spirit.  

The result of a dark mind and a hard heart is…

·      a godless life

Two of Paul’s terms are particularly strong: 

·      Sensuality – “This man… does not care how much he shocks public opinion so long as he can gratify his desires…he is lost to decency and shame.” Wm. Barclay

·      and Greed – “…always ready to sacrifice his neighbor to his own desires…the irresistible desire to have what we have no right to possess.” Wm. Barclay

Paul warns his readers and us to not live this way…to be off with the old. Instead, we must say…

On with the New.

He calls for us to have…

·      a renewed mind. (vs. 20-24)

How do we keep renewing our minds?  We continue to give them a spiritual education. Where does that instruction come from?  Scripture. The only thing that can compete with the voices of this world is the voice of God’s Word.  

The second aspect of this is to seek…

·      a soft heart.

Having a soft heart is one of the best deterrents to slipping back into old ways. Being open to the Spirit’s conviction or others’ observations…and then responding in repentance can keep the calluses from growing thick.

A renewed mind and a soft heart lead to…

·      a godly life.          

To be godly means leaving behind values and choices that reject God’s will and way and embracing the values and choices that are aligned with God’s will and way.

It’s like taking a shower each day that cleanses us and readies us to put on the Christ-like clothes of our new wardrobe. And it means throwing out our old worldly clothes once and for all.


Text: Ephesians 4:17-24

Originally recorded on May 8, 2016, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.