093 Ephesians: Finding Your Place, Pt. 1

In 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12, we find lists of “spiritual gifts.” 

Spiritual gifts are special abilities distributed to believers that enable them to perform special actions in the church.

In Ephesians 4, however, we find, not a further listing of spiritual gifts., but rather a listing of spiritual roles.

Spiritual roles are the unique callings distributed to believers that enable them to fulfill strategic functions for the church.

Verse 11 identifies five roles:

·      Apostle 

·      Prophet 

·      Evangelist 

·      Shepherd 

·      Teacher

These are often referred to as the “5-fold Ministries” or the APEST (after the first letters).

The Apostle Paul says that “to each one grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.” This tells us that these roles are not simply reserved for “leaders,” but for each member of the Body of Christ, and these gifts have been given in differing degrees. We’ve been given different-sized portions of grace. 

For example, my base function is as a Teacher.  And, it would appear that that is very strong in me.  By the same token, I am not as gifted as an evangelist.  That’s low in my gift mix.

When each person (not just pastors or leaders) is functioning in their role…in humility – no one thinking more of themselves or less of others and everyone seeing the value not only of their calling, but of others’ calling – the result is further unity in the body of Christ and further conformity to the image of Christ.

Here are some basic definitions of these various roles. Maybe you can begin to identify what yours might be.

Apostle: (apostolos) visionary, pioneering, always dreaming of new ground to take and new ways to take that ground. 

Prophet: (prophetes) discerns the spiritual realities in a given situation, sees beyond what most people see and calls people to action. 

Evangelist: (euangelistes) loves spending time and sharing Christ with lost people and reminds other believers of a lost world.

Shepherd:  (poimen) possesses a deep love for the Body; sees needs, provides comfort, and gives encouragement.

Teacher: (didaskalos) communicates the revealed truth of God’s Word so that others can understand it and obey it.

You have been graced with one of these roles.  And whether you fulfill that role and find your place really matters.

The Body of Christ will only reach its potential when the vast majority of its members take this seriously.  And yet if…when… that happens, we’ll increasingly attain to the full measure of the fullness of Christ.  And, oh, how that will impact not only the church but the world!

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Text: Ephesians 4:7-16

Originally recorded on March 13, 2016, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.