Posts tagged culture change
The Power of a Compliment

When it comes to leadership, there is one practice that is often overlooked yet is exceedingly important. That is simply giving a sincere compliment.

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Why People Resist Change

In my years of pastoring, I had to lead my organization through a lot of change - from major paradigm shifts to small operational adjustments. In that process, I’ve discovered a couple of key truths regarding change.

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Leveraging Invitation and Challenge, Part 2

Fundamentally, effective leadership is based upon an invitation to relationship and a challenge to change. As seen in Jesus’ example, when skillfully calibrated, the result is transformation from the inside out. This is true not only for individuals, it’s also true for churches.

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Leveraging Invitation and Challenge, Part 1

Monty Roberts spent his youth in the western prairies rounding up wild mustangs.  He observed the typical method of “breaking horses,” as they were ridden by “bronco busters” until exhaustion or tied to a post and beaten until the animal’s will was broken. Watching this happen, Monty began to think that there had to be another way…a less barbaric way…a more natural way.

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7 Tips for Leading Culture Change

It’s one thing to dream of changing a culture – it’s another thing to see it happen.

We’ve all seen how even the most noble of ideas can fail to launch successfully.  (Believe me, I can testify to literally scores of “great strategies” that I launched from the Cape Canaveral of my imagination over the years – all too many of which ended up sputtering into the Atlantic Ocean of failure.)

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Delivery Culture vs. Development Culture

In my previous post, I noted that the data is in regarding the current state of the American church and it’s not pretty. Among the results reported were the following: While the number of admirers of Jesus is growing, the number of attenders at church is shrinking. 

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