Posts tagged transformation
The Importance of Unlearning

Pastor and author Mark Batterson got my attention in a big way when he wrote, “Half of learning is learning. The other half of learning is unlearning. Unfortunately, unlearning is twice as hard as learning.”

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Every Leader Needs a Coach

Once again Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers has won the MVP for the National Football League. It’s the third time he’s been given this high honor.

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Leveraging Invitation and Challenge, Part 2

Fundamentally, effective leadership is based upon an invitation to relationship and a challenge to change. As seen in Jesus’ example, when skillfully calibrated, the result is transformation from the inside out. This is true not only for individuals, it’s also true for churches.

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Leveraging Invitation and Challenge, Part 1

Monty Roberts spent his youth in the western prairies rounding up wild mustangs.  He observed the typical method of “breaking horses,” as they were ridden by “bronco busters” until exhaustion or tied to a post and beaten until the animal’s will was broken. Watching this happen, Monty began to think that there had to be another way…a less barbaric way…a more natural way.

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