Losing someone you love to death is incredibly painful. The grief you feel isn’t something you get over quickly. But for those who have a relationship with Jesus, there is actually hope in the midst of the tears.
Read MoreJesus‘ ministry was characterized by three things: WORDS: He taught with authority. WAYS: He chose disciples in whom to invest. WORKS: He healed the sick and oppressed.
Read MoreWhen it comes to healing, it’s one thing to deal with the physical brokenness in our bodies or the emotional brokenness in our minds. However, there are occasions when beneath all of that is something that’s hidden yet even more deadly – the spiritual brokenness in our souls.
Read MoreThe people of Israel looked forward to the day the Kingdom of God would be revealed, ushering in an era of shalom – complete wholeness in body and soul.
Read MoreThere are certain regrets in life that fall under the category of what might be called, “If only I’d known…” But the ultimate regret story is the one Jesus told in Matthew 25.
Read MoreWe are told right from the start why Jesus told this story. He wanted to motivate His followers to pray and never give up.
Read MoreWhenever you deal with people, there will inevitably be conflicts. People will hurt you. You may be facing that right now – in your family, your neighborhood, your job, or your church.
Read MoreIt happened at a dinner party. Jesus’ critics tried to lay a trap for Him, but Jesus turned the tables on them. How? He told them a story.
Read MoreWe are treasuring creatures. The question is not if we treasure, but what we treasure.
Read MoreMany of the lessons we learn in life come through stories. No one knew this more than Jesus. So, as He began to share with people about this Kingdom that He was launching, He told stories to capture their attention
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