077 Stories of the Kingdom: What We Treasure


We are treasuring creatures. The question is not if we treasure, but what we treasure.  

Jesus said, “where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matt. 6:21)

Now the Lord didn’t say this to make us feel bad.  He’s just stating the way things are.  What you treasure is the trigger to your deepest points of response.

So, what did Jesus treasure?

In the parable found in Matthew 13:44, Jesus says: “The Kingdom of heaven is like treasure…”  There it is!  Jesus valued above all else God’s Kingdom. This was His treasure.  

The Kingdom...

-       captivated His thinking

“From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is near.” Matt. 4:17

-       prioritized His activities

 “Jesus went throughout Galilee…preaching the good news of the Kingdom…” Matt. 4:23

-       focused His prayers

“…Your Kingdom come, Your will be done…” Matt. 6:10

-       impacted His investments

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth... store up for yourselves treasures in heaven...” Matt. 6:19-20

How does what Jesus treasured compare with what you treasure?

Jesus tells the story of a man who found a treasure buried in a field. He was so excited about his discovery that he sold everything he had so he could buy that field and with it the treasure that was far greater than anything he’d ever known. 

This is Jesus’ point. Just as the treasure was hidden in the ground, with its true value remaining unseen, so the Kingdom is all too often undiscovered and untapped. In effect, He’s saying here, “Oh, if you could grasp just how incredible the Kingdom is! It’s the greatest thing you could ever be a part of!  It’s the ultimate treasure!”

See, Jesus had experienced this Kingdom. He knew how great this treasure was and He came and ultimately died so we could experience it too.

His vision for the Kingdom fueled His passion which resulted in His mission.

Jesus treasured the Kingdom above everything and everyone else. What might it look like if we did the same?

Ask yourself these questions:

·      Has the Kingdom begun to captivate my thinking?

·      Has the Kingdom started to prioritize my activities?

·      Has the Kingdom changed the focus of my prayers?

·      Has the Kingdom impacted my investments?

Oh, that we would have a fresh vision for the Kingdom.

Oh, that we would have a renewed passion for the Kingdom.

Oh, that we would undertake the mission of the Kingdom.


Can you imagine the fulfillment that would be ours in this life?

Can you imagine the rewards that will be ours in the next life?



Text: Matthew 13:44

Originally recorded June 16, 2009, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.