076 Stories of the Kingdom: Soil Test

Many of the lessons we learn in life come through stories. No one knew this more than Jesus. So, as He began to share with people about this Kingdom that He was launching, He told stories to capture their attention

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075 The Real Battle: The Weapon of Worship

Worship does many things. Worship gives praise to the One who is above your circumstances, provides perspective in your circumstances, and breaks the power of the forces of darkness behind your circumstances.

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074 The Real Battle: The Weapon of Scripture

In Ephesians 6, the Apostle Paul tells us that the battles we face in life are not against flesh and blood humans. The real battle is against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms

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067 Abraham: The Legacy

Well, we’ve reached the end of Abraham’s journey of trust. At the “good old age” of 175, Abraham breathed his last and was buried by his sons. He had his flaws and failures, but all things considered, he lived a truly triumphant life.

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