For years Barbara Williams-Skinner has been a prophetic voice for God in the fight against systemic racism in our country. She offers this wise insight: “It may not be your fault, but it certainly might be your time.”
Read MorePerhaps you’ve heard about the differences between dogs and cats. A dog says, “You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me. You must be God.” A cat says, “You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me. I must be God.”
Read MoreIn his Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Founding Brothers, Joseph Ellis tells of one of the great friendships in American history. That friendship was remarkable in that it was between two radically different personalities: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.
Read MoreThe gospels record how, on multiple occasions, Jesus healed those who could not see. He recognized that physical blindness carried all sorts of negative implications. The thing is, Jesus was no less concerned about a parallel, yet no less costly, sort of blindness. That of a spiritual nature.
Read MoreWhat is it that causes some people to bear so much fruit for the Lord while others are simply “leafy”? What is the reason behind some consistently growing in strength while others consistently struggle in weakness?
Read MoreThe Apostle Paul commands us to rejoice with those who rejoice – something that most of us are pretty good at. We find vicarious enjoyment in celebrating another’s victory or breakthrough. After all, who doesn’t like a party? Yet in the same sentence, he also commands something else…
Read MoreAuthor John Ortberg notes that there are two main words that the Bible uses to describe people’s response to suffering: groaning and grumbling. As an example of the former, we read in Exodus 2 how… “The Israelites groaned in their slavery
Read MoreThe late Bob Benson is one of my favorite storytellers. In one of his most familiar stories, he recalls a time when as an unmarried young man, he went to an old-fashioned church picnic. Benson was running late and when he got ready to pack his food, all he could find in the refrigerator was a piece of baloney and two slices of stale bread.
Read MoreYou’ve probably never heard of him before. All we learn about Shamgar is encapsulated in one verse in the book of Judges. Unlike the detailed account of other figures in the book – Gideon, Samson, and Deborah – Shamgar’s story seems to be a biblical footnote.
Read MoreAn old Chinese legend is told about how, many years ago, there lived an old man along with his son and a horse. Back in those days, having a horse would be like owning a car in our day – very valuable.
Read MoreAs the story goes, there was once an officer in the navy who always dreamed of commanding a battleship. He finally achieved that dream and was given command of the newest and proudest ship in the fleet. One stormy night…
Read MoreWe’ve all faced moments in life (far too many) when we’re tempted to stand down, walk away, give up. Circumstances seem to call to us to cash in our chips or wave the white flag.
Read MoreMy wife is a “puzzler.” During the months of sheltering in, she must have put together at least a half-dozen jigsaw puzzles. Some were relatively easy, but others were real toughies. Fortunately, she was able to look at the box and see the big picture.
Read MoreLee Strobel writes of a woman named Maggie who began to attend to his church. For a long time she sat in the back, fearful of being exposed, ashamed of her lifestyle, yet strangely drawn to the place.
Read MoreOne of the most gripping texts in the entire Old Testament is recorded in Genesis 22. In that account we read: Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!” “Here I am,” he replied. Then God said, “Take your son…
Read MoreSeveral decades ago, a popular anger management therapy arose called ventilationism. The approach boiled down to this: When you get angry, let it out. Discharge your feelings, get it off your chest, blow off steam, hit something, throw something, scream something.
Read MoreThere’s a very interesting little account at the end of the gospel of John (20:22) where it describes how fearful the disciples were after Jesus’ death. They’re cowering behind locked doors and we’re told that, suddenly, Jesus appears in their midst and says, “Peace be with you.”
Read MoreIt’s not surprising that down through the years, religious hypocrisy has been one of the greatest barriers to faith. Why become a Christian when the church is filled with so many hypocrites who act as living contradictions to their confession?
Read MoreHave you ever heard the story of long-distance American swimmer Florence Chadwick? In 1950, she swam 21 miles across the English Channel from France to England in13 hours and 20 minutes, breaking the women’s world record for traversing that body of water.
Read MoreLife is full of turning points. Those occasions when you stand at a crossroads. Moments when you have to make a decision, and that decision that will forever change your trajectory.
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