Posts tagged blindspots
Plank-Eyed Speck Removers

The gospels record how, on multiple occasions, Jesus healed those who could not see. He recognized that physical blindness carried all sorts of negative implications. The thing is, Jesus was no less concerned about a parallel, yet no less costly, sort of blindness. That of a spiritual nature.

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Tough Love

I have this odd pattern inside of me. When somebody is speaking into my life, if they compliment me, I'm quite ready to hear that.  I love hearing in graphic detail how well I’m doing and where I’m growing.  It makes me feel so good. But if they're going to say something that is confrontational about my character, about my need for growth, such “bad news” isn’t nearly as welcome.

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Overcoming Your Blindspots

Have you ever noticed that some people have 20/20 vision for the flaws and misdeeds of others but complete myopia when it comes to themselves? They have a keen eye for the faults of others, but a serious case of “I” trouble when it comes to their own.

Jesus recognized this issue and uses this metaphor. "The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad…" (In other words, if you cannot see the truth about you) "…your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!"

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