This message is for those who are rich. That’s who Paul directs his instructions to in 1 Timothy 6:17. “Command those who are rich in this present world…”
Read MoreEvery one of us knows what it’s like to carry around a “sack of shame” – guilt over what we’ve done in the past. What do you do with the contents of that sack?
Read MoreA Christian Atheist is someone who says they believe in God yet lives as if He doesn’t exist. As Titus 1:16 describes them, “They profess to know God, but their behavior contradicts their profession.”
Read MoreOne of the fallacies in our day is that all religions are pretty much the same. But the fact is, Christianity stands alone and apart. For one thing, no other major religion takes its stand and stakes its reputation on the bodily resurrection of its founder.
Read MoreIt was probably about midnight when Jesus led His men down from the Upper Room and through the sleeping city. Having shared the Last Supper together, Jesus and the Eleven left through the Fountain Gate, across the Kidron Valley
Read MoreIn Paul’s letter to the Colossians, he tells this group of believers he had never met that he was agonizing in prayer for them. Why? What was he praying for so fervently? He was praying for their growth – their maturity in Christ.
Read MoreYou would like to think that by the time we get to the end of his story, Jonah has changed. That after all he’d been through, he was a better person, a better servant of God than he was at the start of the story.
Read MoreThere are certain words the writer of the book of Jonah uses to emphasize important elements of the story. Words like “great” and “down.” But there’s another important word that is in fact, one of the most fundamental words in the Bible.
Read More“Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time…” (Jonah 3:1) To my way of thinking, this is arguably the most remarkable verse in the entire book of Jonah.
Read MoreIn the journey of faith God not only frequently calls us to hard things but He will chase us down if we run from that call. In fact, what we’ve seen is a pattern that God uses to correct His kids.
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