116 Jonah: A Prayer for When You're Sinking

In the journey of faith God not only frequently calls us to hard things but He will chase us down if we run from that call.  In fact, what we’ve seen is a pattern that God uses to correct His kids.  

It starts with disobedience.    

That disobedience typically results in God’s discipline.  

This often creates a moment of distress. That’s when Jonah finally cried out to God. 

It’s at this point that we have to make a decision to obey.  Will we repent or not? Will we just feel sorry or will we start doing what’s right?

It’s when we choose to obey that God can provide deliverance. 

When Jonah found himself in the belly of a fish, he was at the bottom of that circle of disobedience, discipline, and distress. But it was there that Jonah turned to God in prayer. 

When you’re sinking fast, prayer moves from simply being “nice” to being a “necessity.”  

Here in the second chapter of the book of Jonah, we find a model of prayer for when you’re sinking. The first letter of each step will spell out FAITH.  

  •  Feelings.  Express your thoughts and feelings about your circumstances.

  • Affirmation. Affirm that God is big enough to handle it, and that you trust Him.

  • IntentionsState that, by faith, you will follow wherever God leads. 

  • Thanks. Giving thanks reminds you that the One who helped you back then is no less able to help you right now.  

  •  Hope. Choosing to believe that God will come through for you once again.

F-A-I-T-H. It’s a great pattern for prayer for when you’re sinking.



Text: Jonah 2:1-10

Originally recorded on May 1, 2011, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.