117 Jonah: The God of the Second Chance

“Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time…” (Jonah 3:1)

To my way of thinking, this is arguably the most remarkable verse in the entire book of Jonah.

The first time word of the Lord came to Jonah, he consciously and stubbornly disobeyed. And yet, in a display of remarkable patience and loving discipline, God chased him down and brought him to the end of himself.  From the belly of a fish, Jonah recognized the foolishness of his actions, confessed his sin, and committed himself to obey.  

Now God is offering Jonah a second chance. 

The assignment hadn’t changed…and it hadn’t got any easier.  In fact, more times than not God will call you right back to the venue where you went wrong.  

  • back to that family you hurt

  • back to that person you betrayed

  • back to that place where you denied Him

Jonah was told to go to Nineveh.

Nineveh not only symbolizes the place we don’t want to go to, it symbolizes the place that isn’t worth going to.  Nineveh represents all that seems to be beyond redemption.  Nineveh represents that which is simply too screwed up, too messed up, too washed up for there to be any hope of it ever being otherwise.

And yet the God of the Second Chance says, “That’s where I want you to go.”  Why?  Because the same God who thought you were worth going after thinks they’re worth going after.

So, Jonah obeys…finally. And when he arrives, he gives a short, terse sermon. “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.” (v. 4) 

It’s as if Jonah is caught up in the “no way” list. “There’s no way that anything will change.”

We have “no way” lists too. “I can’t hope to have an impact.  My presence won’t make a difference.  My words won’t matter. These people, this situation, will never change. No way.” 

But God says… “Way!”  

Against all odds, the people of Nineveh from the lowest citizen to the king heard the warning…and repented.

Once you allow room for and partner with the God of the Second Chance anything is possible.


Text: Jonah 3:1-10

Originally recorded on May 8, 2011, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.