109 Unique: Identifying Your Passions

God made you unique. Your very fingerprint shows that there is no one else like you.  You are one of a kind! As a unique person, you were brought into this world for a unique purpose.   

So how does one discover what that purpose is? How do you find your unique calling?

One way to go about that might be to think of three circles. Label them your PASSIONS, your GIFTS, and your STORY. Where those circles overlap often point to a person’s calling.

In this message, we’re going to talk about our PASSIONS. 

The dictionary defines passion this way:

Passion -  a powerful or compelling emotion or feeling; a strong enthusiasm or desire for something 

As creatures made in the image of a passionate God, we are by our very nature passionate.  We were hardwired with this need to give ourselves fully and enthusiastically to something.

We see this worked out all the time in all sorts of ways.  Some people are passionate about golf or French cooking. There are those who are passionate about genealogy or growing roses.  But we sense God’s smile when we become engaged in that which mirrors His passion: putting a broken world back together.

It’s when your passion takes that direction that you get that glorious sense that “I was made for this!”

So, how do you start to identify your passions? There are two questions you can begin to grapple with that, over time, may provide you with some answers.  

What really captivates me?  

What sort of activity brings you deep feelings of fulfillment and a profound sense of meaning? When have those times been when you thought, “I loved that!”? What do you find yourself talking about, studying about, reading about, or dreaming about?

Write those things in your PASSIONS circle. They may not necessarily seem “Kingdom-oriented.” That’s ok!  Just brainstorm. Better yet, ask someone who knows you well.

Here’s a second question:

What really frustrates me?

I’m not talking about personal pet peeves here. Rather, what is it that when you see it, you say to yourself, “That is wrong!  Somebody should do something about that.”

Add those things to your circle. 

Still not sure what your passions are? Ask God about it. He’s the one who gave you these passions and He’s the one who wants to see you use those passions for His glory. He can help you identify yours. 

Here’s a sample prayer:

Dear God, I desperately want to honor You with my life.  You have placed passions in my heart to guide me into your calling for my life.  Please reveal those passions to me and give me the power to live by the.  I ask this in Jesus’ name and for the glory of His Kingdom.  Amen.


Text: Psalm 139:13-16; Eph. 2:10

Originally recorded on November 8, 2009, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.