110 Unique: Unwrapping Your Gifts

As you seek to discover your unique purpose, one way to go about it might be to think of three circles. Label them your PASSIONS, your GIFTS, and your STORY. Where those circles overlap often point to a person’s calling.

In this message, we’re going to talk about our GIFTS.

Spiritual gifts are special abilities distributed by the Holy Spirit to every believer according to God’s design for the common good of the Body of Christ.

Let’s break that sentence down to gain a greater understanding.

Spiritual gifts are special abilities distributed by the Holy Spirit…

A spiritual gift goes well beyond talent. It is a supernatural enabling that may go “hand in glove” with your natural talent, but it accomplishes well beyond what mere talent ever could. 

The New Testament lists some of these gifts in 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, and Ephesians 4. Here is a compilation:

  • Administration            

  • Apostleship                       

  • Craftsmanship                 

  • Discernment                     

  • Encouragement               

  • Evangelism                      

  • Faith                                  

  • Giving                              

  • Helps                               

  • Hospitality                      

  • Intercession

  • Interpretation

  • Knowledge

  • Leadership

  • Mercy

  • Prophecy

  • Shepherding

  • Teaching 

  •  Tongues

  •  Wisdom

These spiritual gifts are given…to every believer.

Everyone who has come to know Christ has been given at least one spiritual gift.  Think of it: you are a gifted child! 

Spiritual gifts are distributed …according to God’s design. He knew just what gift would bring Him the most glory through you and at the same time bring you the satisfaction and joy that your one and only life was making an eternal difference.  He knows you that well, and He loves you that much.

The gifts are given…for the common good of the Body of Christ. 

The Holy Spirit’s gifts are never given for individual gratification but to enrich the community.

So, how do you unwrap your gifts?

1.     Ask these questions: Where do I find great fulfillment? Where do I find great fruitfulness?


2.     Take a spiritual gift inventory. Though not foolproof, they can be a helpful resource. Here is a link to a FREE ONLINE TEST


3.     Try something. Often discovering our spiritual gifts is a matter of trial and error.  


Text: 1 Corinthians 12:1, 4-11

Originally recorded on November 15, 2009, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.