108 Unique: Your Dash of Life

When you look at a tombstone, you often see two dates – the date of the person’s birth and their date of death. In between is this little line. A dash.  

When you think about it, you have no control over either date. The only thing you have any say about is your dash - how you will live your life. 

Call it your “dash” of life.  The word is appropriate because life is quite short. The Bible refers to life as a vapor.  It’s here for just a short time and then it’s gone. 

And once it is, all that will be left here will be your legacy – that which you will be remembered for after you’re gone.

Sadly, all too many people go through life with no sense of purpose. It’s just “same old, same old” day after day. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way. You were made for so much more! 

Psalm 139:13-16 says that you were skillfully, wonderfully, and purposely made! 

You were custom-designed by a Master-Craftsman. The uniqueness of your fingerprint sends that message clearly. There will never be another you.  

Moreover, as a unique person, you were brought into this world for a unique purpose. God has a plan and a purpose for you. You have been given a calling. 

Songwriter Darlene Zschech recognized this when she said that the two greatest days of a person’s life are the day they were born and the day they discover why they were born.

So how does one do that?  How do you find what your unique calling is?  

In this series, we’re going to explore how your unique PASSIONS, GIFTS, and STORY play a role in this. Where these three converge is where the calling of your life explodes in spontaneous spiritual combustion.  



Take some time to reflect on your legacy. Ask yourself: How would I want these statements to be completed? 

  • People will say that I stood for...

  • I made a difference in this world by...

  • God was glorified because I...

  • People knew I loved them because I...

  • The reason I expect God to say “well done” is...

Text: Psalm 139:13-16; Eph. 2:10

Originally recorded on November 1, 2009, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.