One of my family’s favorite movies is “The Princess Bride.” When it came out in 1987, this quirky film surprised everyone with its popularity. To this day, it is still a favorite of thousands. My wife and kids and I have seen it more times than I can count.
Read MoreMost of us are familiar with the Parable of the Good Samaritan. But in reading it recently, my attention wasn’t drawn to him as much as to the other two men who came across the one who was attacked. We’re told that one was a priest and the other was a Levite. That is to say, these were religious individuals who didn’t lack for knowledge regarding the importance of extending mercy to those in need.
Read MoreWell, here we are in the opening hours of a brand-new year. Our walls display bright, new calendars. Our desks sport sharp, new date books. For at least one friend, it means that he gets to carry around a brand-new Franklin Planner. For better or worse, 2020 has arrived!
Read MoreThe Apostle John’s description of the incarnation is one of the greatest pieces of theology ever penned. The eternal Son of God, at a point in time, left the halls of heaven where He had reigned in glory and became a human being.
Read MoreI was struck once again this year by how often bells are the theme of Christmas songs. There’s “The Carol of the Bells,” “Christmas Bells are Ringing,” “Silver Bells,” “Jingle Bells,” “Jingle Bell Rock.” Bells and Christmas seem to go hand in hand. Have you ever wondered where the idea of Christmas bells came from?
Read MoreChristmas. It’s many things: familiar carols, bright lights, seasonal decorations, family gatherings, great food, and special worship services. It’s also the time when we can give gifts to those we love – with the hope that we’ll hear the words, “It’s just what I needed.”
Read MoreWe hear a lot of complaints about how dark it is here in Indiana this time of the year. In fact, there are those who suffer from what is called “seasonal affective disorder.” The lack of light saps their energy and triggers moodiness if not depression.
Read MoreI’ve got a love affair going with Thanksgiving. It’s been going on for over 60 years. Hands down, it’s my favorite holiday. Here’s why.
Read MoreFor many, the idea of giving thanks “in all circumstances” can be a challenge. When disappointments come our way or when bad things happen, the thought all too often arises, “How in the world can I give thanks for that!?!” Believe me, I can relate.
Read MoreI recently came across an adaptation of George Reavis' fable, “The Animal School.” It was originally written in 1940 when he was superintendent of the Cincinnati Public Schools. See if you don’t see some lessons to be learned regarding both the home and the church.
Read MorePart of our home library consists of several picture books with the intriguing title, Where’s Waldo. If you’re a parent or grandparent, Waldo may inhabit your bookshelf as well. For the uninitiated, Waldo is a geeky-looking, glasses-wearing nerd with a striped shirt and a goofy hat.
Read MoreThe late Dallas Willard was one of the most insightful theologians of his day. Time and again he called everyday people to become every day disciples. Often, he used the text above as an example of that. We know it as “The Great Commission.” Yet, as Willard points out, all too often there’s a great omission in the great commission.
Read MoreIn the gospel of Luke a story is recorded that most of us are familiar with. But just recently I saw a line in it that struck me hard. Here’s the story.
Read MoreQuite a few years ago, NFL legend Mike Ditka, while giving a news conference after being fired as the coach of the Chicago Bears, decided to quote the Bible. "Scripture tells you that all things shall pass," a choked-up Ditka said after leading his team to only five wins during the previous season. "This, too, shall pass."
Read MoreA number of studies have shown that social media tends to depress people. Really! While we may say that we use it to keep in touch with friends and family, all too often there’s a dark side to it.
Read MoreIn light of the recent shootings in schools, malls, and movie theaters, an old term has taken on new meaning. “Situational awareness,” once used by flight instructors to their students is now being used by self-defense instructors to their clients and even parents to their children.
Read MoreIn his excellent book, The Rest of God, Mark Buchanan tells the story of his wife’s grandmother who lived during the Canadian gold rush. These were the days when men and women would pan the rivers and bore into the hills in an attempt to strike it rich. “Gold fever” literally filled the air back then.
Read MoreArguably one of the greatest works of art in the history of the world is located on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. Michelangelo’s brilliant painting is a bona fide masterpiece. Have you ever taken the time to look at it carefully?
Read MoreJordan Bohannon looked into Section KK at Carver-Hawkeye Arena to make eye contact with his older brother, Zach, to confirm one last time: The plan they had discussed was still in motion. Earlier in the game against Northwestern, Bohannon had tied Chris Street for Iowa’s consecutive free-throw record.
Read MoreWhile General Douglas MacArthur was stationed in Australia during World War 2 and acting as Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in the Southwest Pacific Area, he penned this prayer for his only son, Arthur. See if his words don’t resonate with you as they did with me.
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