Praying for Our Leaders

US Capitol building.

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 

1 Timothy 2:1-2

As we all know, January 20th is Inauguration Day. In many ways, it’s the climax to arguably the most divisive and rancorous election ever.

Some who love Jesus sincerely see this moment in time as something to be celebrated.  Others who love Jesus just as much see this moment in time as something to be lamented.

Emotions are running high and, in many ways, they have taken a heavy toll. Friendships have become strained.  Churches have been split.

So, here’s the question: Is there any point where all Christians can come together and agree, no matter our political bent or our stance on issues we passionately believe in? Is there anything that can draw us together as Christ-followers that is neither Republican, nor Democrat, nor Independent?

The short answer to that is “Yes!” All of us can come together in obedience to Paul’s mandate as seen in his first letter to his young protégé, Timothy.

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”  

1 Timothy 2:1-2

Is there any point where all Christians can come together and agree, no matter our political bent or our stance? The short answer is “Yes!” We can come together in obedience to Paul’s mandate to pray for "kings and all those in authority." (1Tim2:1-2)

Pray for Nero?

What’s striking is the context in which Paul called for such prayer to be offered for “kings and those in authority.” The “king” at that time was one of the worst Roman emperors in history, Nero. His infamous reign was characterized by tyranny, extravagance, and debauchery.

Worst of all, Nero displayed a terrible viciousness toward Christians. Some were dipped in pitch and set on fire to provide light in the emperor’s gardens. Others were wrapped in animal skins and torn apart by dogs.

During Nero’s reign, the Apostle Peter was crucified upside down and the Apostle Paul was beheaded.

All this to say that the call for prayer for “kings and those in authority” was not determined by whether they were “worthy” to be prayed for.

The call for prayer for “kings and those in authority” was not determined by whether they were “worthy” to be prayed for.

Rather, that prayer was primarily for the benefit of the pray-ers. Note the phrase, “…that we may live peaceful and quiet lives…”  In lifting these leaders up to the Lord, His influence could be brought to bear in ways that it wouldn’t have been otherwise and we would reap the benefit.

What to Pray for our Leaders

So how might we pray for our new “king” and those in authority”? Here are a few suggestions:

  • For wisdom. Pray that our leaders have great wisdom and discernment in their decisions. Pray for godly counsel to surround them to give good advice. Pray that the issues they deal with will have clear solutions and that they will always keep in mind their service to the people that elected them.

  • For their character. Pray that our leaders would be upright in their speech and actions with others and that they would show respect and kindness to those they interact with. Pray for their honesty, integrity, and morality. And pray that God would expose leaders whose character is in question.

  • For their spiritual growth. Pray for our leaders who are Christ-followers to lean hard into the Lord and that they be given prominent roles where they can exert Godly influence. Pray that those leaders who are not Christians will hear the Gospel and come to know Jesus.

Even as the Church came together in the 1st century and prayed for their leaders, so may the Church in the 21st century come together and pray for our leaders. May that action not only result in peaceful and quiet lives. May that action also begin to rebuild our unity.


God, thank You for our government leaders. I pray right now for our President and his cabinet. I pray for our senators and congressmen. I pray for the Supreme Court.  I pray for my state leaders and local leaders. I ask that You give them great wisdom as they carry out their duties. I pray that they will lead with integrity, courage, and compassion. And I pray that You will draw all of them to Yourself.


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