Blessed are the Peacemakers

Group of 3 men praying together.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

Matthew 5:9

It’s been called “The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached.”  And rightly so. The content of the teaching Jesus delivered “on the mount” is not only timeless – appropriate for every generation – but timely – uniquely valuable for our generation. 

The sermon opens with what is called “The Beatitudes.” Each of these “blessed” Kingdom values consists of a “condition” and a “result.”

Some of them are descriptive in nature, for example, “the poor in spirit,” “those who mourn,” and “the merciful.” But there is one that moves from description to demonstration…from passive acceptance to active application.

And, in this tempestuous time, I think we would do well to especially consider it.

“Blessed are the peacemakers…”  

Peacemakers.  Those who not only long for peace, but who actively promote it.  Those who look to diffuse volatile situations rather than ignite them. Those who seek to create unity rather than to foment disunity.

According to Jesus, those people are both blessed and a blessing.

And then the Lord goes on to give them a title.

“…they will be called children of God.”

When you stop to think about it, this is quite striking. The Savior is saying that peacemaking is a key part of our identity.  That is to say, “This is who we are. This is how we act in the family of God.”

Peacemaking is a key part of our identity.  That is to say, “This is who we are. This is how we act in the family of God.”

Are You a Peacemaker?

That being the case, may I challenge you to assess your peacemaking? In your marriage, when there’s a breakdown, are you a pro-active peacemaker?  With your colleagues, when things go sideways, are you a peacemaker?

Here’s a timely one in light of these divisive days: In your conversations and social posts, when there’s so much accusation and negativity, are you a peacemaker?

Our country is in desperate need of peacemakers.  Even more importantly, our churches are in desperate need of peacemakers.

Our country is in desperate need of peacemakers. Even more importantly, our churches are in desperate need of peacemakers.

A Prayer for Peacemakers

Many years ago, a man known as Francis of Assisi recognized this.  He committed to living a remarkably countercultural life as it relates to this. His behavior went against the grain of a meanspirited, divisive society.

The following poem is credited to him. I encourage you to read it to yourself - out loud and slowly. After you finish, read it again. Ask the Lord what He may want to say to you…and what He would have you do about it.

Lord make Me an instrument of Your peace
Where there is hatred let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sadness joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may
Not so much seek to be consoled as to console
To be understood, as to understand.
To be loved. as to love.
For it's in giving that we receive
And it's in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it's in dying that we are born
To eternal life.

"Lord make Me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love."

- St. Francis of Assisi


Lord, these days seem to bring out the worst in most of us – and I’m no exception. Indeed, all too often I give in to complaint and accusation… negativity and divisiveness.  Help me to remember that one of the values held in the family of God is to be a peacemaker. And then help me to live as one.


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