A Really Smart Guy

Mosaic of Jesus giving the farewell discourse to His disciples.

“…Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

Colossians 2:2-3

Many who live in the 21st-century picture Jesus as a well-meaning but naïve 1st-century guru who wandered around tossing off catchy sayings of simple folk wisdom.  But no one who actually knew Him thought that.

When He was only 12 years old, He stunned the scholars of His day with His insights (Luke 2:47).  As He began His public ministry, Scripture tells us that “the people were astonished at His teaching” (Mark 1:22).

In a setting where scholarship excelled, Jesus was seen as a teacher who offered insight at a whole different level.

The Apostle Paul was by all accounts one of the most brilliant individuals who ever lived.  And, as such, all too many people see him as the gifted theologian who took the words of Jesus and then crafted them into the construct that became Christianity.

One person who would totally disagree with that conclusion, however, would be Paul himself. While he did in fact pen much of the New Testament, the Apostle made it clear that it’s Christ who is the fountainhead of all wisdom.  That it’s Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

In a very real sense, Paul bowed the knee not only of his body and soul before Jesus, he bowed the knee of his mind and intellect.

The Apostle Paul - one of the most brilliant individuals who ever lived - bowed the knee not only of his body and soul before Jesus, he bowed the knee of his mind and intellect. 

Jesus’ Intellectual Impact

The historical impact of Jesus’ thinking is so pervasive that it is often taken for granted.  Yet the record of His life and teaching as seen in the New Testament has been translated into more than 2,000 languages – by far the most of any body of literature.

In the academic world, scholars often keep score by how often an article is cited by other scholars.  By this measurement, Jesus’ intellectual impact is unprecedented.

According to Harvard professor Harvey Cox, “The words of the Sermon on the Mount are the most luminous, most quoted, most analyzed, and most influential moral discourse in all of human history.”

The late Dallas Willard put it well: “Jesus is the smartest man who has ever lived.”

To be sure Jesus was more than this.  But He certainly was no less than this.  Indeed, He holds all truth, all wisdom.  He is their ultimate source, and as such, He is the ultimate solution to all the issues we face.

And that’s an important truth to grasp.  Why?  Because you will never trust a person’s counsel if you don’t believe they know what they’re talking about.

Jesus knew what He was talking about.  And He talked about all sorts of issues that each of us face: the importance of forgiving others, the key to handling worry, insights on prayer, etc., etc., etc.

“…Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

Treasure Hunters

This being true, ongoingly seeking His wisdom and insight would seem to be a no-brainer.  Reflecting on His words regularly through reading the gospel accounts would seem to be one of the wisest things we could do. Let me encourage you to do so with regularity. 

But don’t stop there.  After you bow the knee of your intellect before Him,  submit to His counsel and take the appropriate steps of obedience.

Jesus was a really smart guy.  He quite literally holds the words of life.  And as we become students of those words – as both hearers and doers – we will discover how life can be lived at a whole new level.

Jesus was a really smart guy.  And as we become students of His words – as both hearers and doers – we will discover how life can be lived at a whole new level.


Lord, I must confess that while I see You as Savior, I have underestimated you as Teacher.  Indeed, You were the greatest Teacher who ever lived.  Help me to sit at Your feet as an eager learner.



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