When hardships happen in our lives, when difficult circumstances knock us down, the natural response for most of us is to pray that God would take them away. That He would resolve the conflict and remove the pain. But how do you bounce back when God answers that prayer with…NO?
Read MoreIt does not surprise us that people suffer. It does not surprise us that people are gracious and generous. It does surprise us when people who are suffering are gracious and generous.
Read MoreSometimes when life knocks us down, it actually serves as a wake-up call: an opportunity to open our eyes, pay attention, and make a change.
Read MoreIn this message, Dave talks about developing resilience in ministry - recovering from the disappointment and discouragement that so often comes when we pour ourselves into others.
Read MoreEvery one of us has…or will…experience pain, loss, disappointment, or betrayal. Such crushing pressures are part of life in a broken world. But God promises to comfort us
Read MoreIn this message, Pastor Dave looks at the painful, traumatic experiences the Apostle Paul faced on his second missionary journey
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