149 Cardio: A Decaying Heart

One of the saddest things in the world is to see something that was once strong and vigorous in a state of decay. But I believe the saddest decay to witness is the decay of the human heart. 

The O.T. character David had a front-row seat to watch that process take place in a man named Saul.

Saul started out so well. Anointed the first King of Israel, he was refreshingly humble and demonstrated a noble spirit.

But by the time he died, Saul was a shell of what he’d once been. Tormented by depression and driven by pathological jealousy, his heart, mind, and soul were in ruins.

I look at all the promise that was in Saul at the start, and I look at him at the end, and I wonder, what happened?  How does a life deteriorate so badly?

Saul didn’t set out to be wicked or violent. It happened over time through a series of bad decisions.

1.     He learned to tolerate subtle disobedience.

Twice we read of instances where Saul failed to obey the direct command of the Lord through the prophet Samuel. Twice, instead of owning up to his disobedience, he rationalized it. But to do something that looks good and sounds spiritual but to withhold from God a heart of trust and obedience is to totally miss the point. 

Are there areas in your life where you’re tolerating subtle disobedience?

2.     He learned to tolerate the loss of intimacy with God.

Because of his disobedience, God’s Spirit departed from Saul’s life. The loss left Saul “tormented.” God allowed Saul to experience deep pain in the hopes that he would yet repent.

It’s at this point that David enters the story. It was discovered that when David played his harp, it soothed Saul’s spirit and he felt better. Saul needed to repent, but he settled for relief.

People still do that. Are you experiencing spiritual pain because there’s something wrong between you and God? Don’t just distract yourself from the pain, deal with it.

3.     He learned to tolerate poisoned relationships.

After David’s military victories gain him popularity and success, Saul becomes overwhelmed with murderous anger, fear, and envy. Twice Saul tried to kill David by his own hand thinking if he could just eliminate David, it would eliminate the brokenness in his heart.

If you have a toxic spirit towards another person, if there is a fractured relationship, do whatever you can to heal it.

4.     He learned to tolerate utter compromise.

Now we see the extent of Saul’s deterioration. The same king who outlawed the occult disguises himself and seeks out a medium. He wants to speak to the dead – to the prophet Samuel. But the message he hears predicts his doom. Just days later, Saul is wounded in battle and dies at his own hand. The final outcome of a life of spiritual decay.


Text: 1 Samuel 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 28

Originally recorded on May 21, 2006, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.