127 Christian Atheist: I Believe in God But My Sex Life is My Business

You might be surprised at how much the Bible has to say about sex. In fact, the very first commandment found in the Bible is about sex! God said to Adam and Eve, “Be fruitful and multiply…” (Gen. 1:28)

The special union they had was celebrated with sexual intimacy.  Scripture calls it, “becoming one flesh.”

All too many people take a glib approach to this act. “It’s only sex. It didn’t mean anything.”

Friends, that’s simply not so. In that act, Adam and Eve somehow became glued, knit, joined together at soul level. 

Now, don’t be deceived into thinking that God is anti-sex! He’s not! He is very pro-sex! He created it! And He created it in a unique way for humans to enjoy.

There in the Garden, two huge points were being made: the beauty of sex and exclusivity of sex.

In the New Testament, Paul reminds the Corinthians that as the people of God, they are not merely animals that are ruled by their urges. Jesus secured for us not only a new identity but a new capacity. 

Therefore, we are to “flee immorality.” (1 Cor. 6:18)  

Many people read that phrase and say, “Well sure, I'll flee sexual immorality. But my boyfriend and I really do love each other, so that doesn't count as sexual immorality.”  Or, “We’re planning on getting married, so what we’re doing doesn’t count as sexual immorality.”  

Here's the deal: We do not get to redefine sexual immorality in light of what we see as “special circumstances.”  That is a sign of Christian Atheism.

The Bible is quite clear so let me say it to you bluntly: Sexual intimacy outside of marriage is sexual immortality. 

Paul then makes it clear that sexual sins are in a unique category. The fact is our bodies and souls are woven together in ways that we cannot untangle.  That’s why it’s not just sex.  That’s why infidelity is so devastatingly painful. There is literally a ripping, a tearing of the one-flesh covenant.  

Sex outside of God’s pattern is bad for you even if it happens to feel great at the time.   

Ultimately, eventually, you will find that your body and your soul (those two things that cannot be separated from your humanity) will keep score.  And the result will be emptiness, disconnectedness, and regret for what was meant to have been a truly fulfilling experience. 



Text: Genesis 1-2; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Originally recorded on March 3, 2013, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.

This series is based on the book “The Christian Atheist” by Craig Groeschel.