126 Christian Atheist: I Believe in God but Don't Talk About It

When it comes to evangelism, we face pressure from our culture: “If you want to believe in Jesus, fine.  Just don’t try to force that on me.” We also face internal pressure: “I feel so inadequate when it comes to witnessing.” 

These two pressures combine to create this gap between what we believe and how we behave in a lost world.  

The book of Acts might be one of the best places to go to learn about evangelism in the 21st century because our world is more like that 1st-century setting than at any time.  

What can we learn from these early disciples that we can put into practice in our lives today?


1.     Take this responsibility personally.
In Acts 8, we are told of a severe persecution that broke out against the church. These believers scattered throughout the region and they “preached the word wherever they went.” (vs. 4)

Christianity spread not because of the testimony of the apostles…the “professionals” if you will… but through the witness of ordinary men and women who were shot through with evangelistic passion born of their own transformation.     


2.     Share the truth credibly.
It’s rightly been said that a person with a testimony is never at the mercy of a person with an argument. But that testimony will only be credible if it’s demonstrated. Our lives have to show the change we profess. 


3.     Leverage your opportunities relationally. 
In Acts 16, Paul and Silas meet a woman who is described as a “God-fearer.” God had already been working behind the scenes, preparing her for the message of Jesus. 

God wants people to come to know eternal life more than you do. Look for those open doors.

Not only did this woman accept Jesus, but so did her entire household! 

The Greek idea of household (oikos), involves more than immediate family. It includes friends, neighbors, business associates. In short, your relational world. 

You have a unique oikos today. People you live with, work with, play with. People God put in your life so you can influence them for Christ.


4.     Pay the cost willingly.  
Later in Acts 16, it was Paul and Silas’ response to suffering that blew the mind and softened the heart of their jailer. 

There is something profoundly powerful that is communicated when we suffer for the gospel.  


Text: Romans 1:16; Acts 8:1-4; John 9:1-27; Acts 16 

Originally recorded on February 24, 2013, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.


This series is based on the book “The Christian Atheist” by Craig Groeschel.