098 Ephesians: Living as Children of Light

Today we’re going to be considering what it means to live as children of light. In particular, in the area of sexual purity.

Paul begins by describing actions that characterize… 

Children of Darkness. (Eph. 5:3-7)

  • sexual immorality (porneia) Originally this word referred to prostitution. In the New Testament, however, it refers to all aspects of sexual sin including fornication (sexual activity before marriage) and adultery (sexual activity outside of marriage).

  • impurity (akatharsia) Less familiar, this is a descriptive word for that which is unclean or filthy. It’s a more general term, going beyond the sinful act of the body to the evil thoughts and intentions in the mind.

  • greed (pleoinexia) It means to lust after or pursue something that is not your right to have. In this case, it means to lust after or pursue not a something but a someone – someone that is not your right to have – in order to fulfill one’s desire.

  • obscenity (aischrotes) The context here seems to indicate using words that are crude and sexually laden.

  • foolish talk (morologia) The best way to understand this would be engaging in a conversation that is morally out of bounds. Many times this begins with suggestive emails or inappropriate texts. All too quickly it leads to face-to-face verbal exchanges. As you might imagine, that quite often opens the door for those words to be acted upon.

  • coarse jesting (eutrapelia) This carries the idea of turning something that is said or done – no matter how innocent – into something sexually suggestive.

Those whose life pattern is one of ongoing immorality, obscenity, or lustful greed are living in a manner that is inconsistent with their identity as children of light.  They are acting like children of darkness.  And that if one continues in that behavior, he/she would do well to question what their true identity is.

Paul then contrasts the life of darkness with that of the light.

Children of Light (Eph. 5:8-9)

  • goodness (agathosune) The classic definition of this word is “moral excellence.” It finds its fullest and highest expression in that which is willingly and sacrificially done for others.

  • righteousness (dikaiosune) This word means virtue, purity of life, correctness of thinking, feeling, and acting. It’s a word that is used to describe God Himself. As His children, we’re called to live in a way that honors our Father.

  • truth (aletheia) Truth has to do with honesty, trustworthiness, and integrity in the inner man.

In putting all of these together, we see that goodness pertains primarily to our relationship with others, righteousness primarily to our relationship with God, and truth primarily in our relationship with ourselves. The fruit of light is found in those three things and in those three ways and this is what pleases the Lord.


Text: Ephesians 5:3-14

Originally recorded on June 5, 2016, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.