037 Decision Making 101: The Right Questions


The Bible gives us a filter that can help us evaluate every decision we make in every arena of our lives – whether it’s our finances, our relationships, our schedule, or our careers.

It’s the simple question, Is this wise?

There are three ways we can approach this question that can help us make wise decisions.

1.     In light of my past experience, what is the wise thing to do?

Philosopher George Santayana once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  To put it another way, “Those who do not pay attention to what got them in trouble yesterday are liable to end up in the same trouble tomorrow.”


2.     In light of my current circumstances, what is the wise thing to do?

Life is seasonal. What’s wise in one season of life may be unwise in another. For example, parents of young children are in a different season of life than empty-nesters. What’s wise for one set of parents may be unwise for the other in light of their current circumstances.


3.     In light of my future hopes and dreams, what is the wise thing to do?

What do you envision for yourself 10 years from now? Will this decision help you get there? We rob ourselves of our dreams when we make decisions in the present moment with no thought of how those decisions will impact our future. 

This principle goes well beyond this earthly life. In light of eternity and the fact that you will one day have to give an account for your one and only life, what is wise for you to do today?




Note – The book “The Best Question Ever” by Andy Stanley served as a major resource for Dave’s study.

Text: Ephesians 5:15-17

Originally recorded January 13, 2008, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.