036 Decision Making 101: The Wrong Question


We’ve all made dumb decisions. Choices we wish we could take back and do over.  Some merely embarrass us.  Others tragically scar us.  Nobody ever plans to mess up their life, but few of us ever plan not to.

But God’s Word offers us a filter that will help us make better decisions. It’s easy to remember…but a challenge to live out. Why? Because we all are really good at deceiving ourselves. In fact, every poor decision typically begins with self-deception.

  • “It’s only this once.”

  • “It won’t hurt anybody.”

  • “I can afford it.”

  • “I’ll be careful.”

  • “I know what I’m doing.”

But Ephesians 5:15 gives us a grid by which we can measure and judge every choice we make that may not be specifically addressed in Scripture. It says this: “Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise…” 

Here is Decision Making 101. It consists of asking this simple question: Is this wise?

Typically, when making decisions we start by asking the wrong question: Is there anything wrong with this? The assumption being that if there’s nothing wrong with it, it must be ok!

 But if we start with the question – is it wise? – we can save ourselves a load of regret.

Note – The book “The Best Question Ever” by Andy Stanley served as a major resource for Dave’s study. 

Text: Ephesians 5:15-17

Originally recorded January 6, 2008, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.